Source Type
The source is the origin of the radar data displayed on the UI.
Source Type
1. Source Type:
Network: The data is being transferred live from the radar, to the UI, over the network.
Playback: Recorded data is uploaded into the UI as a file to be re-played. Play-Back Media Controls will appear in the Mini Control if this is the selected source type.
Scenario: The data is uploaded as coordinates in text file. These co-ordinates generate tracks to create a track simulator.
2. Playback File: Select desired playback file from selection of available playback files.
3. Bins: The equivalent of a pixel of the radars resolution. In the graphic below, bins are represented numerically along the radius.
4. Azimuths: The equivalent of the number of radii per radar revolution. In the graphic below, azimuths are represented alphabetically around the circumference.
5. Expected Packet Rate: The number of data packets coming across network per second. The packet rate will match the number of azimuths taken per second e.g. 1600 = 400 x 4 CTS-350
6. Range Resolution (m): The real distance that each cell of radar resolution is equivalent to.
3, 4, 5 and 6 need to be set to match the appropriate radar model when the Source Type is set to Playback. This is because the radar is not available to provide these details, and the Playback File does not contain this information.
Related Information
Tracker Settings (Radar Settings) (Witness 4.0)
Source Type (Witness 4.0)
Radar (Witness 4.0)
Radar to Section Allocation (Witness 4.0)
Allocating Radar to Track Engines (Witness 4.0)
Adding ClearWay™ Radar (Witness 4.0)
Radar Alignment (Witness 4.0)
Tracker Connection (Witness 4.0)
Adding Radar (Witness 4.0)
System Profiles (Witness 4.0)