

This section introduces Areas generally, the Create New Area Wizard and Area Configuration.



Areas function as zones and perimeters that the system can be configured to pay particular attention to. You can define one or more areas as a variety of area types, and apply rules to specifically monitor the movement of people or objects within those areas. Detection and Exclusion Areas are actually stored in the radar and used to restrict certain data being sent (as per the area configuration). Exclusion Areas are explored in more detail here.

Creating an Area

  1. Enable the Config Function. Select the Areas folder in the Configuration Tree, then select New in the configuration panel.


  2. In the configuration panel, select New Area.


  3. This will open the New Area Wizard window. The options are as follows:

    Name: Select a name that will differentiate this area from any other areas, e.g. Detection Area 001.

    Type: This indicates the function of the selected Area.

    General: Sets the Area as standard, non-specific area.

    Detection: This Area is used to filter the detection area of the radar. This area is actually stored in the radar and is used to restrict the data being sent to only include the detection area.

    Exclusion: This Area is also used to filter the detection area of the radar. This area is actually stored in the radar and is used to restrict the data being sent to exclude the exclusion area.

    Alarm: This Area would be placed within a Detection Area, and comes with a set rule attached: any and all tracks detected within an Alarm Area automatically trigger an Alarm response.

    Camera: This Area is used to restrict where camera can look, both through manual and automatic control. This ensures cameras only look where they have good line of sight and also ensures they follow any privacy restrictions.
    Static Target Detection: The function of Static Target Detection Areas is to protect long-stationary targets from being absorbed into the Clutter Map.

    Width (m): The initial width of the Area.

    Shape: A selection of different shapes the Area can take. Once an Area is added, it can be manually shaped and resized on the PPI Map Display.

    Square ⃞

    Rectangle ▭

    Circle ◯

  4. Once you are satisfied with your Area values, select Finish.

The Area will now be visible on the PPI Map Display. You can adjust the Area shape using the standard editing tools; Creating and Editing Entities | Standard Area and Shape Manipulation, or by editing the co-ordinates on the Configuration Panel.

User ID: The ID of the User that created the Area.

Name: The name of the Area.

Enabled: Select this for the Area to function. Deselect this to pause the Area's function.

Area Type: The function of the Area.

Dash Pattern: The pattern of the Area perimeter.

Colour: The fill colour of the Area.

Layer: Which layer the Area is placed onto.

Hide: Select this to simplify the PPI Map Display by partially concealing the Area while leaving it functioning as usual.

Label Visibility: How the area label appears on the PPI.

Use System

Auto Hide



Disarm Mode: The enabled / disabled mode for this area. Options are:

Manual: The area can only be enabled or disabled using the configuration or the Arm / Disarm button.

Auto: The area can only be enabled or disabled using a rule action - the user cannot change it through the configuration.

None: The area cannot be enabled or disabled - it is locked in its current state.

Disable Area Timeout: Select to hide the timeout selection list.

Hide Disarm Pattern: By default a semi-transparent pattern is used as a fill to indicate when an area is disabled. This option will hide this pattern when disabled, leaving the area with just a transparent fill.

Where Used: Which entities utilise the area.

6. Select Save to confirm your Area addition.


The following video demonstrates how to create an area:

Arming and Disarming Areas

When an Area is selected, an Area Information Panel will appear in the PPI. This is a quick way to Arm or Disarm an Area. When an Area is Disarmed, by default, it will fill with a semi-transparent pattern. This is a visual indication that the area is Disarmed. This is optional and the area can be disabled and show no fill if you select the Hide Disarm Pattern option in the area configuration.

Arming or disarming an area is the same as enabling or disabling an area. Changing Enabled in the configuration for an area is the same as using the button, however the Arm / Disarm button is only available on Alarm and General areas and provides the ability to arm or disarm the area for a specified period.

Armed area:

Disarmed area:


The following video demonstrates how to disarm an area for 10 minutes:

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