Adding ClearWay™ Radar

Adding ClearWay™ Radar


This section provides an explanation on how to add radar sensors through the Create or Discover New Radar wizard, and the different mode options it presents.

Within the ClearWay™ application, the radar represents both the radar and the software tracker which together provide the core capability of the system. Once these components are configured correctly the system will be able to accurately detect, classify and track targets on the designated highways.


Create or Discover New Radar Wizard

Once you have configured the site, there will be a Default Radar Group created, ready to be edited. To add new radar to the site configuration you will need to open the Create or Discover New Radar wizard:

  1. Ensure Config Function is enabled.

  2. In the Configuration Tree, select the appropriate Radar Group folder into which you want to add the new radar.


  3. From the Configuration Panel (by default on the right hand side of the screen), select New.

  4. The wizard will now start:

Step 1

Mode Options

You will next need to select a mode.

Basic Mode: This mode requires manual input of the values:

Auto Discover: This mode automatically adds radar by discovery through a discovery message sent by the radar through the network, using multicast. These messages are detected by the track engine and reported to the Witness 4.0 software. In order for this mode to work, radars must be physically installed, powered on and connected to the network.