Radar to Section Allocation
This section demonstrates how to assign radar to specific sections within the segment of monitored carriageway. It is important that every section within the carriageway segment is assigned to a radar in order for there to be no blind-spots, but also to prevent an overlap of data, in which results may be relayed back in duplicate.
Each carriageway is divided in sections for the purposes of AID detection and reporting. By default, each section is 100m.
You can choose to edit the length of sections in the Carriageway wizard when you create the carriageway, or you can use Auto-Section option to re-apply sections to an existing carriageway with a different size. Individual sections can be altered in size when editing the carriageway layout.
Each section is labelled with a white number, but they can be named or coloured with a fill of your choice if you would prefer a bolder differentiation between the sections:
Enable the Config Function, then select the carriageway.
Click the Edit button in configuration panel.
Scroll down the lists of edits on the configuration panel, and find the sub-title Section.
Select a Section from the first dropdown, and edit it to your satisfaction using the options below.
To confirm the changes, select the Save button, next to the Edit.
Section Allocation
The default section allocation to radar is for each section to be assigned to the nearest radar. This allocation can be viewed by:
Selecting a carriageway or radar.
Selecting Sensor Allocation, in the Carriageway Info Panel:
Displaying the pink allocation lines between section number and radar.
Single carriageways are unusual above ground, and so the majority of carriageway systems will be paired. For an above ground dual carriageway, a singular Radar Group is sufficient, as the range of the radar can encompass both carriageways with ease.
However, below ground, in tunnels, single carriageways are more frequent. Often, a tunnel is made up of two Bores: two single carriageways, each with an opposite flow of traffic, divided by impregnable rock.
A single Radar Group is not sufficient for this scenario - each Bore must have its own Radar Group. Even if there were radar in each tunnel, it is necessary that they be in separate Radar Groups. For, though the radar of Bore A would detect no traffic in Bore B, the virtual carriageway of Bore B still falls within Bore A's radars' range if they share a Radar Group with Bore B's own radar. Thus, the radar of Bore A would register Bore B, incorrectly, as empty, therefore interfering with the correct data from the radar of Bore A. And visa versa.
To assign carriageways to different Radar Groups:
Enable the Config Function.
Select the carriageway you wish to assign to another Radar Group, in the Configuration Tree Layout.
Look at the first section of edits available on the right-hand panel and find Radar Groups:
Select the appropriate option, e.g., Bore A.
Save your change by clicking the Save button.