


The page discusses the physical and logical topology of the network, as well as the functions and configurations of the Topology tab.



A network topology is the arrangement of nodes and connections in a network, often represented as a graph. The physical topology of the network, and the relative locations of the source and destination of traffic flows on the network, determine the optimum path for each flow and the extent to which redundant options for routing exist in the event of a failure. Logical topology refers to the topology as the user sees it, which means the connectivity of the network. The Topology tab contains functions to configure the physical topology of a network, and monitor its connectivity. 

Topology Manager

The Topology Manager is responsible for managing and monitoring all the services that make up the software system. The Topology Manager and all its registered services are displayed on the Topology tab in the client application. This visual tool provides the ability to:

  • See which services have registered with the active Management Server

  • Monitor the health of all services, their host systems and all the radar sensors and cameras

  • Manage the allocation of radar to Track Engines

  • Manage the allocation of cameras to Camera Controllers and Image Servers

  • Manage the allocation of Mobile Servers to Integration Services

  • Control the services including the ability to remotely restart them or shut them down

  • Add new radar, cameras and Image Server Camera Configs

Each of the services is represented within its own panel. The services are the Management Server (primary and secondary), Track Engines, Camera Controllers, Integration Services and Image Servers.

Management Server

The Management Server is the central hub through which all communications flow. This vitally important data server fulfils multiple roles: it ensures that information is reliably from and delivered to each of the other components; it maintains the database and configuration details; finally, it handles all of the rule processing that forms the key decision making when searching for potential incidents.

For more information about the Management Server configuration please see Management Server Configuration.

You can edit or view the log by clicking on the Management Server and selecting the Edit or Log buttons.

Track Engine

The Track Engine configuration controls all the key features of the service. It processes the raw information from its allocated radar sensors and determines all objects within the field of view. The interpreted information is transferred to the Management Server. For more information about the Track Engine details, please visit the Track Engine Configuration page.

By selecting the button of the Track Engine window, the Radars assigned to that Track Engine are revealed. Clicking on a radar within the Track Engine will display the radar’s details:

You can view the settings, log and access the Actions by clicking on the Settings, Log and Actions buttons.

Adding Radar 

It is possible to Create or Discover New Radar through the Topology tab by selecting the New button in the Unassigned Items Panel, and then completing the Create or Discover New Radar Wizard: Adding ClearWay™ Radar, Adding Radar or https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TUN/pages/2878963983.

Radar Allocation and Health

Information on radar allocation and health can be found on the Allocating Radar to Track Engines page.

Radar in the Unassigned Radar Panel can be searched and filtered through the search bar, whilst all radar - assigned and unassigned - can be searched and filtered through the Radar Search, by selecting Ctrl+Alt+F.

Radar Summary

The Radar Summary lists each of the radar in a system. Please refer to the Radar Summary page for more information.

Camera Controllers

This service takes positional information from the Management Server when a potential problem has been discovered, based upon defined rules, and uses the information to direct the camera(s) to view the correct location(s).

Please refer to the Camera Controllers and Assigning a Camera documentation for more information.

You can edit or view the log by clicking on the Camera Controller and selecting the Edit or Log buttons.

Clicking on a camera within the Camera Controller will display the camera’s details:

It is possible to edit, copy, view the log or align a camera by clicking on the camera and selecting the Edit, Copy, Log or Align buttons.

Adding a Camera

You can create a new camera through the Topology tab by selecting the New button in the Unassigned Items Panel, and then completing the Create New Camera wizard: Image Servers | Creating an Image Server Camera Config.

Integration Services

The Integration Services manage Mobile Servers which allow users to access their Witness application remotely using a browser.

For more information please view the ClearWay™ Mobile Client,