User Groups

User Groups


User Groups provide an easy mechanism to set permissions for one or more users. Each group can be configured with a role and definable set of user permissions that control what each operator can do. Typically the permissions control what the user can do within the Witness client application. The role controls what settings the user can view and edit. You can create different groups to provide a range of different permissions for your users but be aware that a user can only be a member of a single group and therefore only be part of single role.


Group Role

The user roles provide the following capabilities for changing settings:

Administrator: This role allows users to edit and change all settings within the system.

Engineer: This role allows users to view and edit most settings. This role cannot add new items or delete existing items.

User: This role does not allow users to view or edit settings.

The Administrator role has automatic rights to perform all actions therefore if you select this role all permissions are enabled and you can’t disable them.

SSO Group Name

This is the Single Sign-On Group Name in the Directory. View SSO Settings information here: System Settings | SSO Settings (Single Sign On).


The permissions options refine what a user can do in addition to the privileges set by the User Role. The Engineer and User roles have default permissions but these can be changed for each group to provide a flexible matrix of control for different users.

Once the permissions are set they will apply to all users who have been added to the group. The members allocated to the selected group can be seen on the group configuration panel.

Use Radar Data: Allows the users to turn on Radar Data in the Selected Entity Info Panel for a radar.

Application Resize: Allows the users to resize the main application window using the minimise and maximise buttons.

PPI Opacity Change: Allows the users to change the opacity of the PPI's default map display, in the Navigation PPI Map Display.

Password Change: Allows the users to change their password

Area Arm/Disarm: Allows the users to arm and disarm areas.

Breach Line Arm/Disarm: Allows the users to arm and disarm a breach line.

Change Live Panels: Allows the users to configure the layout of panels on the Live tab.

Change Layer Visibility: Allows the users to change layer visibility.

Allow Camera Lock : Allows the users to set temporary camera lock positions.

Show Playback Tab: Allows the users to see the playback tab and therefore enables users to run data queries and generate reports.

Allow Alarm Acknowledge: Allows the users to acknowledge alarms.

Allow Alarm Clear: Allows the users to clear security and system alarms

Allow System Profile Change: Allows the users to change System Profiles.

User Can Edit Settings: Allows the users to edit their own application settings. If disabled an administrator will need to pre-configured the user settings.

Allow Manual Camera Move: Allows the users to manually move a camera, either through the video viewer controls or using the right-click option on the PPI.

Allow PPI User Presets: Allows the users to record and use PPI presets.

Add Video to Map: Allows the users to pin video viewers to the PPI.

Allow Track Pause: Allows the users to temporarily pause the track movement.

Allow Camera Mode Change: This will enable the usersto toggle between automatic and manual mode on the PPI pane via the camera mini control.

Allow Relay Toggle: This allows the users to toggle preconfigured groups of relays.

Site Pan Limit: Sets the limit, in metres, that users can pan the map away from the site origin.

Site Min Zoom Limit: Sets the minimum magnification limit for zoom for the users to ensure they cannot zoom out too far.

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