Key Maintenance Activities


This page provides details about the important checks that should be completed regularly to support the Witness system. Typically, this covers metrics and health checks that our software does not perform automatically.


Daily Tasks

Check Scheduled Backups

If a scheduled backup is running, check the Backup folder and make sure backups are being created on the correct schedule.

The Backup folder should be located here: %ProgramData%\Navtech

Once opened, all of the available backups should be displayed:

For more information about schedules please refer to the documentation here: .

Check System Resources

Ensure that the system CPU/Memory usage is stable over time i.e. it should not be gradually increasing over time.

Weekly Tasks

Database Logs

Check the size of the database logs.

The logs will be located in the folder chosen during the installer:

If they are getting large, restart the MongoDB service:

This should roll the logs over into a new file.

Alternatively, if you are using the newer auto log rotate script, make sure that the logs are being rolled over daily.

Check Navtech Logs

The logs should be located here: %ProgramData%\Navtech\Logs

These log files should not be larger than 6MB, or more than a day old. Large and old logs should be moved into the Logs/Archives folder.

Monthly Tasks

System/Database Disk Space

Ensure the system is not running short on available disk space. If it is, investigate what part of the system is inflating it and using up the available space.

Change User Passwords

For the security of your system it is important that all users regularly change their passwords.

This activity may be required more often than monthly, depending on any existing organisational policy your company may have.

For more information about Single Sign-On (SSO), a session and user authentication service that permits a user to utilize one set of login credentials to access multiple applications, please refer to this documentation: .

Related Information

Safety is everything.