Playback Tracks

Playback Tracks


This section covers the Playback Track function: how to create and configure Playback Track, and their potential uses.



A Playback Track is a essentially a track clone, designed by the user in order to simulate incidents, test areas and classification parameters. Obviously, it is preferable to create the specific situation and conditions for testing rather than have to wait on the off-chance for the desired result from actual data.

Creating a Playback Track

Change Track Engine Provider Type

Before a Playback Track can be created, it is necessary to change the Track Engine Provider Type, as a Playback Track cannot function alongside tracks from live data. To do this:

  1. Under the Topology tab, select the Track Engine Window that contains the Radar Sensor allocated to the stretch of carriageway the Playback Track will travel along.

  2. In the Topology Panel, select Edit, and then open the dropdown list of Provider Type options.


  3. Select Playback All Track, then select Save.

Create a New Playback Track

Now a Playback Track can be created:

  1. Under the Config tab, the PPI Display should now include a Playback Tracks Controls Panel.


  2. In the Entity Panel, select Playback Tracks, and then select New in the Configuration Panel.


  3. Select New Playback Track to open the Create New Playback Track Wizard.


  4. Name the Playback Track, then select Finish.


  5. The Playback Track will appear on the PPI as a horizontal plum line:


  6. Use Standard Creating and Editing -