


Occasionally, there may be a problem when using Witness. Please read this troubleshooting guide, which addresses some of the most common software issues, and will hopefully help you find a solution.


Common Installation Pitfalls

If you encounter problems during an installation:

  1. Check the prerequisites. For example, when using the desktop version of Windows, the Home edition is not supported. It must be Professional or Enterprise edition.

TLS on Services & on the Client App

The symptom for this problem is that logging into Witness will take a long time, and then eventually it will fail as it was unable to connect to the server.

  1. There is an option to use TLS which can be selected during install. This provides secure communications between all servers.


  2. ​Once this is enabled during installation, any clients that accesses the system must have TLS enabled on the login screen:


  3. Conversely, if it wasn't enabled during install it must not be enabled during login.

Using Localhost IP Address

Using localhost ( as an IP address is not good practice as the system will not store track data and will not connect the UI to a separate PC.

  1. Therefore, the Management Server should be configured to use an accessible interface and IP address.

  2. The solution to this is to reinstall the system software with the database accessed via its outward facing IP address.

MongoDB using DNS Names rather than IP Addresses

If the software installation is going wrong at the point of configuring the database replication, this will be due to MongoDB deciding to use “DNS names” rather than  IP addresses for some of the elements in the ReplicaSet.

  1. The solution is to manually manipulate the replica set configuration after software installation. Please navigate here Database Replica Set Administration to find out how to do this.

Which Distribution Address?

The ClearWay™ system software running on a Track Engine presents the user with a choice of two distribution addresses.

  1. Select the one on the “roadside network” for the system to work as expected.

Upgrading/Restoring/Reset Issues

Losing Older Configuration Data when Migrating from Witness v3 to v4

The migration tool will import as many elements and settings as possible, however, due to the considerable difference in the two systems, not all settings can be migrated. The tool extracts data from the Witness V3 configuration XML file, converts it and then inserts the resulting items directly into the V4 system database. When the migration tool connects to the Witness V4 database it will delete all existing data. This should not be a problem if the Witness V4 system is a clean installation. However if you are doing the migration over an existing V4 setup then be aware that you will lose all the older configuration data.

Deleted Data

Performing a reset will delete all your data and return the system to the original state when the software was first installed.

Remember, it is best practice to:

  1. Backup your data before you upgrade, restore or reset your system.

  2. Ensure you check all upgrade notes from the version being upgraded to the version you intend to install.

Licencing Problems

Unable to Access Plugins

Unable to see any plugin options like these under Integration Configurations, even if you have admin access?

Licence Restrictions

They could be restricted on your licence.

  1. To add a plugin to your licence then you will need to upgrade it. Here is more information about how to do this: System Licensing | Requesting a Licence.

Plugin not Installed

If you cannot see any plugin options but you have a licence for them, then you will need to install them:

  1. You will need to uninstall, and then reinstall Witness.

  2. During the reinstallation of Witness there will be the option of Integration Plugins:


  3. You can click the icon to view the dropdown list:


  4. Or you can select them all or select / deselect individual plugins and then continue with the rest of the installation.

  5. The plugin(s) should then be visible under Integration Configurations.

  6. Repeat this process on each UI and Management Server for them to work on these platforms.

No Licence

If the system stops working after an hour of use, this could be because your system is not using a licence, and will display the system as “Unlicensed” on the top left of the UI:

  1. You will need to restart your Witness services, and log back in so that you can continue to use Witness for another hour.

  2. Alternatively, obtain a valid licence. Here is more information about how to do this: System Licensing | Requesting a Licence.

Trial Licences

Does the system give you a warning that your licence is due to expire? Trial licenses are given for a set period of time, and will expire at the end of that period. The days left remaining on the licence will be displayed at the top left of the Witness UI:

  1. Here is more information about how to do obtain a new license: System Licensing | Requesting a Licence.

Deleted Licence File