This sections covers the purpose and creation of Groups.
Groups function as sub-folders of the main Configuration Tree folders, and are used for the organisation of certain entities: POI and Radar. In the case of large numbers of radar, it is efficient to divide them into groups for actions such as Radar to Section Allocation, configuration, or assigning to different layers.
Creating a Group
Enable the Config Function. Select the entity the group will be created for:
Select New in the Configuration Panel.
Select Grouping:
The Create New Entity Group window will appear:
Name: The name of the Group.Type:
Select Finish to confirm the new grouping.
Related Information
Layers (Witness 4.0)
Points of Interest (Witness 4.0)
Carriageway POIs (Witness 4.0)
Source Type (Witness 4.0)
Radar (Witness 4.0)
Radar to Section Allocation (Witness 4.0)
Allocating Radar to Track Engines (Witness 4.0)
Adding ClearWay™ Radar (Witness 4.0)
Radar Alignment (Witness 4.0)
Tracker Connection (Witness 4.0)
Adding Radar (Witness 4.0)
System Profiles (Witness 4.0)
Radar Health (Witness 4.0)
Advanced Settings (Tracker Settings) (Witness 4.0)
Contour Area (Witness 4.0)