This page covers creating, copying and deleting a scenario. Each scenario is able to represent a different set of radars, detection areas and perimeters.
Creating a Scenario
To create a scenario for the current project you are editing:
Click the Create Scenario button:
Once you select the button, you will presented with a dialog requesting the name of the scenario. There are no limits on the name, but it is sensible to name it something meaningful:
Click the Create button to create the scenario:
The scenario will be saved and will be in focus:
Selecting a Scenario
The newly created scenario will be available from the Choose Scenario selector drop-down:
To select a scenario simply click on the one you want to open that scenario.
Editing a Scenario
Once you have created a scenario or have chosen an existing scenario from the drop down list, you will now be able to edit the scenario.
To edit a scenario click the Edit button:
The system will now be in edit mode:
Copy Scenario
This option allows you to duplicate the scenario. To do this:
Click on the Copy Scenario button from the Scenario Menu:
The system will duplicate a copy which you will find by looking in the Choose Scenario drop-down list:
The name will be the same as the original with -copy added to it.
Delete Scenario
This option allows you to delete the scenario. To do this:
Click the arrow by the Copy Scenario button and two further options will be displayed:
Click Delete Scenario and a dialog will appear:
Select Yes to delete the scenario. If you choose No, you will be returned to the editor.
Edit Scenario
This option allows you to edit the name of the scenario.
To do this:
Click the arrow by the Copy Scenario button and two further options will be displayed:
Select Edit Scenario:
You can now update the name of your scenario:
Then click Update Scenario to complete the process.
Next Steps
You can now start building your scenarios. Please refer to the following pages for guidance: