AdvanceGuard® Track Queries
This section covers ATI, Lost and Track Queries on the Playback Tab available in AdvanceGuard® and Sea360®.
Track Query
This query filters tracks through every possible variation, in order to select and display a specific quota of tracks (within the time period and record limitations). The track pathways appear as a white line on the PPI, but multiple tracks can be multi-coloured to differentiate them.
The variables are decided by the following categories:
Id: A unique identifier for each track.
Min. Sightings: The minimum number of sightings a track requires before it is recorded as a track. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value.
Min. Speed: The minimum speed value, either a maximum, minimum or equal to value. Toggle the 🛇, ≤, ≥, =, ≠, ⪥, and <> buttons to define the value.
Max. Speed: The maximum speed value, either a maximum, minimum or equal to value. Toggle the 🛇, ≤, ≥, =, ≠, ⪥, and <> buttons to define the value.
False Alarm Probability: This enables you to filter by false alarm probability. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value.
Classification Filter: Enables you to filter by one or more track classification types. Just click the required types to highlight them or deselect all to remove the filter. Classification options are:
Large Vehicle
Travelled (m): How far the tracks have travelled. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value.
Area Covered (m): How far the track has travelled, either horizontally or vertically along the x/y-axis. Toggle the 🛇, ≤ and ≥ buttons to define the value. Whether the value is measured on the x or y-axis depends on which is the larger 'distance'. In the examples below, the Area Covered is defined first by the distance travelled along the x-axis, and second by the distance travelled up the y-axis.
For distance Travelled, it is a minimum value. The results will return tracks any value larger, any values further from zero, whether negative or positive. e.g. Travelled (m): 6 would return 7, 8, 9... and - 6 would return - 7, - 8, - 9...
For Area Covered, it is a maximum value. The results will return tracks of every distance value between a positive, or negative, value and zero. e.g. Area Covered (m): 6 would return 5, 4, 3... and - 6 would return - 5, - 4, - 3..
Lost: Select to include Lost tracks in the query.
Tag Preset: A text search for Tag Presets.
Tag Presets: This will show a drop-down list with Tag Presets which have been configured in System Settings.
Areas: Select a detection area.
Rules: You may select one or more rules to filter tracks that have broken the selected rules.
Radars: Enables you to filter tracks based on the radar that generated them.
Analysis Status: The status of the recorded track. Once a track has been recorded, retrospectively a status can be applied to help categorise the track, for example it could be labelled as a genuine alarm or a nuisance alarm. This filter allows you to find tracks based on this labelling.
False Alarm
Confirmed Alarm
Results: How many results the query has returned:
The results of a Track Query are displayed as a list in the Results panel:
Select: Select the tracks you wish to focus on.
Classification: The type of track.
ID: Unique alphanumeric identification assigned to each track.
First/Last Sighting: Date and time of when the track record begins and ends.
Duration: Track length in time to the nearest second.
Seen: Number of sightings of the track. Given the radar rotates four times a second, the number of sightings should be roughly equivalent to x4 the track duration (if the track does not coast.)
Coasts Ratio: Value that determines how much of the track period was classed as coasting.
Tag Preset: If a tag has been associated with the live track then it will be listed. Tag Presets
Show: Select the main column option for all of the tracks to appear on the PPI Display. Alternatively, select the Show option next to each track you wish to view. They will appear on the PPI Display, like this example below:
The selected track appears thicker and its direction is emphasised by a continuous pattern of arrows.
Locate: Select this icon to shift the PPI Display and until the selected track's location is visible and zoomed in on.
History: Select this icon to open the Track Details window.
Video Playback: Select the Play Video icon to play back the Videoloft video. This requires the Videoloft Plugin to be enabled and configured. Please refer here:
Status: Change the status to draw specific attention to the track, and save from default track data culling.
Track Correlation: This feature searches for previous tracks that have been marked as lost, which are likely to be associated with the selected track. If the system detects such a correlated track, it will highlight it.
On the top left of the Track Query panel there are the following icons to be used with selected tracks:
Create Exclusion: Creates an Exclusion Area around the selected track's area covered. Unlike a normal Exclusion Area, tracks can recorded and followed through the Track Query Exclusion Area, but all alarms within the Area are suppressed. Therefore the Area is an exclusion zone for alarms. See Exclusion Areas for further details.
Export: Export the track records for posterity.
Analyse: An option to analyse the selected tracks. If selected then the Tracks Analysis panel will be displayed.
Status: Change the status to draw specific attention to the track(s), and save from default track data culling. This will open the Set System Status panel.
Tracks Analysis Panel
This shows an analysis of all of the selected tracks:
Min/Max Date: The earliest and latest dates for the selected tracks.
Min/Max Range: The minimum, maximum and average distance of sighting from the radar for the selected tracks.
Sightings: The minimum, maximum and average number of sightings of the selected tracks.
Speed: The minimum, maximum and average speed of the selected tracks.
Strength: The minimum, maximum and average radar signal strength for the selected tracks.
Weight: The minimum, maximum and average weight for the selected tracks.
Size: The minimum, maximum and average size for the selected tracks.
Area Covered: The minimum, maximum and average value of how far the selected tracks have travelled, either horizontally or vertically along the x/y-axis.
Travelled: The minimum, maximum and average value of how far the tracks have travelled.
Coasts: The minimum, maximum and average number of coasts (assumed sightings) for the selected tracks.
Set Analysis Status Panel
This allows the operator to apply an Analysis Status to all of the selected tracks:
Analysis Status:
False Alarm
Confirmed Alarm
Track Details Panel
Id: Unique alphanumeric identification assigned to each track.
First/Last Sighting: Date and time of when the track record begins and ends.
Duration: Track length in time to the nearest second.
Seen (Recorded): Number of sightings of the track. Given the radar rotates four times a second, the number of sightings should be roughly equivalent to x4 the track duration (if the track does not coast.)
Coasts Ratio: Value that determines how much of the track period was classed as coasting.
Classification: The type of track.
Show All Details: When selected this option will display more data the Track Details table:
Deletion Reason: The reason the track was dropped and deleted.
Area Covered (m): How far the track has travelled, either horizontally or vertically along the x/y-axis.
Travelled (m): How far the track has travelled.
Max Area Size (m²): The maximum area that the track has travelled.
ML Classified: If the ML Classification feature has been enabled in the Track Engine configuration, then this will be selected.
False Alarm Probability Min: The system calculates a false alarm minimum probability score for each track.
False Alarm Probability Max: The system calculates a false alarm maximum probability score for each track.
Tag Preset: If a tag has been associated with the live track then it will be listed.
At the bottom of the panel there are the following options:
OK: Closes the Track Details panel.
Clone Track: create a Playback Track from selected track.
There is a limit to cloning Playback Tracks from track histories: only tracks with fewer th