Final Steps
These are the final steps of the Quick Setup for ClearWay™, whereby the user can display Track Settings Statistics on the PPI, turn on Track Distribution for the required radar (which is important when commissioning), and also covers the Carriageway Mini Control.
Track Settings Statistics
Track Settings are located in the User Details in the System Menu. To change the settings:
Enable the Config Function.
Select the User icon:
Select Tracks, then click Edit:
Select the Show Track Statistics check box, and click Save to confirm the changes:
Once you have selected Show Track Statistics, your display will have a new window of data:
The Track Statistics are:
Track Rate: The number of total track updates per second (~4 updates per second per track).
Visible Tracks: The number of tracks visible on the screen, dependent on zoom.
Total Tracks: The total number of tracks visible on the carriageway, irrelevant of zoom.
Track Distribution
To enable the Distribute Tracks feature for an individual radar:
Select the desired Radar to enable the Radar Mini Controller and click the Distribute Tracks toggle on, turning the button colour from black to blue:
The system will then show the tracks on the PPI as in the examples highlighted below:
Check Carriageway Status
You can check the status of the carriageway by looking at the overall carriageway statistics, individual section statistics and radar to section allocation.
Carriageway Mini Control
The Carriageway Mini Control will show you these statistics for the carriageway, individual sections and the radar to section allocation. Selecting a carriageway will open it’s mini control as highlighted in the example below:
You can then drill down for more information within the the mini control:
For more information regarding the Carriageway Stats, please visit:
ICD-001 Track Filter Command (Witness 4.0)
Quick Setup Guide (Witness 4.0)
Getting Started (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ Track Queries (Witness 4.0)
Sections (Witness 4.0)
Lanes (Witness 4.0)
Rule Areas (Witness 4.0)
Exclusion Areas (Witness 4.0)
Playback Tracks (Witness 4.0)
Carriageway POIs (Witness 4.0)
Menus (Witness 4.0)
Final Steps (Witness 4.0)
Live Tracks (Witness 4.0)
Auto-Section (Witness 4.0)
Radar to Section Allocation (Witness 4.0)