Assigning a Camera
This section covers assigning a camera to a Camera Controller to enable the camera to go live.
Camera Topology
After Adding and Aligning a camera, you must assign it to a Camera Controller in the Camera Topology for the camera to go live. Follow these steps:
1. Under the Topology tab, select Camera Controllers.
2. As when Assigning a Radar; Allocating Radar to Track Engines | Assigning the Radar there will be an Unassigned Items panel with detected Cameras waiting to be assigned to a Camera Controller. The Camera Controller functions as management software, similar to a Management Server.
3. Check that the Camera Controller is Healthy before any Cameras are assigned to it. A Healthy Camera Controller will have a green outline. The RAM use in GB and available CPU in Ghz are monitored and displayed as % graphics on the Camera Controller, with traffic colours to indicate individual health.
4. To assign a camera, drag it from the Unassigned Items panel into the Camera Controller.
5. Wait a few moments, and then, if the assignation has been successful, the dot within the camera icon will change from grey to green.
Selecting/dragging the Camera will open up the Camera Settings in the Topology Panel.
Cameras can be searched and sifted through using the Search bar at the top of the Unassigned Items panel.
New Cameras can added within Camera Topology by selecting New in the Unassigned Items panel. This opens the Create New Camera wizard in a separate window.
Camera Controllers can be Restarted, Shutdown, or all their cameras returned to the Unassigned Items panel using these buttons:
The 4th icon is to Backup the Camera Controller.
Related Information
Camera Setup and Configuration (Witness 4.0)
Aligning a Camera (Witness 4.0)
Camera Groups (Witness 4.0)
Height Map (Witness 4.0)
Assigning a Camera (Witness 4.0)
Viewers (Witness 4.0)
Adding a Camera (Witness 4.0)
Camera Areas (Witness 4.0)
Menus (Witness 4.0)
Live Tracks (Witness 4.0)