Static Target Detection Areas

Static Target Detection Areas


The sections discuss the purpose, function and creation of Static Target Detection Areas.



The function of Static Target Detection Areas is to protect long-stationary targets from being absorbed into the Clutter Map. For example, a car park or airport will contain stationary vehicles for periods of time that must be classified as static targets, rather than background data. In order to differentiate between Static Targets and background data, a Static Target Detection Baseline must be taken - a scan of the site inside the STD Area when it is empty of potential Static Targets. Thus, when moving targets enter and stay in the STD Area, a comparison can made and the targets remain identified as Static Targets.

Creating an STD Area

  1. Select an Entity in the Configuration Tree, for instance: Areas. In the Configuration Panel, select New, and then New Area.


  2. Name the new Area. In the Area Type drop-down, select Static Target Detection.


  3. Configure the Area’s size and shape, then select Finish.


  4. Manually configure the Area on the PPI using Standard Creating and Editing controls Creating and Editing Entities | Standard Area and Shape Manipulation, shaping it around the space in which static targets will later be placed.


  5. Next, in the Configuration Panel, select Reset STD Baseline.


  6. The Reset STD Baseline window will pop up. Select OK.


  7. The Static Target Detection Baseline will have been set.

Related Information



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