RTS IFF Plugin
This page covers the installation and configuration of the RTS plugin which enables the RTS system to talk to the Witness software.
The RTS Plugin allows the system to receive tracks from the RTS IFF System. The RTS system is based around a radio-linked network of GPS receivers. Vehicles or personnel can carry GPS trackers that report back to a centralised management application through long-range UHF radios. The management server seamlessly integrates with the Navtech Radar Witness software enabling operators to see friendly vehicles and personnel in the GIS map interface, but more importantly this data is correlated with the radar tracks enabling the software to match targets detected by the radar with friendly targets reported by the RTS system. This ensures Witness knows what are friendly targets and what are potential threats which can dramatically reduce nuisance alarms. In addition, having full awareness of the location of all your own staff across a large site provides an unprecedented level of situational awareness.
The RTS Plugin
Witness supports integration with many different types of external systems through the use of plugins. The RTS plugin file is entitled Witness.Plugin.RTS.dll and must be present in the Witness Plugin folder which is inside the main application folder.
The plugin can be selected during setup and will automatically be installed in the correct location.
Configuring the RTS Plugin in Witness
Plugin Enabled: Select to enable the Plugin.
Name: The RTS Plugin name.
IP Address: The RTS Server address.
TCP Port: The Transmission Control Protocol port used for the server.
Pump Timer (s): The time period between each batch of tracks being sent. Default is 1 second.
Connect Timeout (s): Time period between each heartbeat being sent to every connected client.
Retry Delay (s): The period of time before the system retries to send failed batches.
Sender Id: The Id for tracks to appear from.
Speed Units: Select the type of speed measurement from the drop-down list.
Tag Overrides
RTS Tag:
Tag Override:
Classification Map
RTS Classification:
Related Information
Bosch BVMS Plugin (Witness 4.0)
ADAM-6060 Relay Plugin (Witness 4.0)
Milestone XProtect Plugin (Witness 4.0)
Mail and SMS Plugins (Witness 4.0)
RTS IFF Plugin (Witness 4.0)
AXIS Video Encoder (Witness 4.0)
Camera Integration (Witness 4.0)
ICD-001 Plugin (Witness 4.0)
ICD-006 Plugin (Witness 4.0)
ICD-007 Plugin (Witness 4.0)