Track Engine Configuration

Track Engine Configuration


The Track Engine configuration controls all the key features of the service. The options vary depending on the product. ClearWay™ has additional options that include Situational Awareness and Vehicle to Debris Correlation.


Common Track Engine Settings

The Track Engine settings are available when you select one of the Track Engines represented in the Topology Manager: Topology.

Name: The user-friendly name of the Track Engine. This can be changed by the user to easily identify each Track Engine.

Provider Type: The provider source used to process or generate tracks.

Cp Tracker: This uses the default tracker to process data from radar or recorded data.

Simple Simulator: The simple simulator creates multiple tracks along predefined lines of travel. This is a useful option for creating heavy track loads for straight carriageways.

Test Tracker: This simulates the same process management and interaction as the real Cp Tracker. In addition it supports more complex track simulations with the ability to specify complex paths and variable speeds.

Playback All Track: This option supports the simulation of Playback Tracks. These are tracks that follow paths and exhibit properties that you can create in the client application. This option supports the simulation of all Playback Tracks. Playback Tracks

Playback External Track: This option supports the simulation of Playback Tracks. This option only supports simulated external tracks (e.g. IFF). Playback Tracks

Playback Radar Track: This option supports the simulation of Playback Tracks. This option only supports simulated radar tracks. These are tracks paths which are cloned from real recorded radar tracks. Playback Tracks

Highways Load Test: This is for Navtech internal use only.

Tracker Management Enabled: When enabled this ensures the Track Engine will manage all the trackers that are required for the radar assigned to Track Engine. This remain enabled for normal operation.

Track Send Period: This specifies the interval for sending tracks to the Management Server. Tracks are buffered and sent as batches based on this period.

Use ML Classification: This indicates if the Machine Learning classification system should be used instead of the traditional weighted scoring system. If selected the Classification Config option is not available.

Classification Config: This sets the classification configuration to use on this Track Engine when using the traditional weighted scoring system. The system ships with a default configuration but additional setups can be created as required. Classification Configs

Backup Track Engine: This specifies the linked Track Engine that is used take over the responsibilities of this Track Engine in the event of failure. Redundancy

Min Logging Level: Sets the minimum logging level for the Track Engine text logs.

ClearWay™ Track Engine Settings

Record Tracks: In ClearWay™ each Track Engine is responsible for recording tracks to the database. This option enables or disables the recording for this Track Engine. Track Recorder

Situational Awareness Enabled: This enables the ClearWay™ Situational Awareness feature and exposes the Video Server settings. Situational Awareness Situational Awareness User Interface

ClearWay™ Intermittent Connection Health Settings

Check Period (s): How often the system checks the connection status.

Warning Level: The number of connection interruptions within a period of time, that will trigger a warning.

Unhealthy Level: The number of connection interruptions within a period of time, that will trigger an unhealthy connection status.

ClearWay™ Vehicle To Debris Correlation

Enabled: Select to enable Vehicle to Debris Correlation.

Minimum Seen Count (hits): Minimum number of consecutive sightings a vehicle track is required to accumulate before being lost to be correlated to a debris track.

Maximum Speed (m/s): Maximum speed the vehicle track can be travelling at to be correlated to a debris track.

Check Distance (m): The radius of the area around a new debris track that is searched for lost vehicle tracks to be correlated.

Expire Period (s): How long the track history of a lost vehicle track is maintained for potential correlation to a debris track before being culled. 

ClearWay™ Video Server Settings

The Video Server Settings become available when Situational Awareness is enabled for this Track Engine.

Address: IP Address

Video Server Port: The port that is used to connect to the Track Engine. There is one Video Server per Track Engine, and all use this Port. This is constant.

Stream Enabled Default:

RTSP Port: The port over which the RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is served. The protocol is used for establishing and controlling the video steaming between end points. This value is constant.

Stream Width/Stream Height: Size of the video stream in pixels.

Rate Control: The different settings for quality against bandwidth for the video. The lower the quality, the higher the bandwidth.

Constant Bit Rate: the rate at which a codec's output data should be consumed is constant.

Unconstrained Variable Bit Rate: A codec's output data is encoded/decoded to the highest possible quality, while maintaining an average specified bit rate. More bit rate will be allocated when the video frame is more complex, and less bit rate will be used when the video frame is simple.

Constrained Variable Bit Rate: As above, but with an upper limit to the variable bit rate.

Constant Quality: With bit rate modes, the size of the output data is controlled but not the video’s quality. Constant Quality mode instead specifies a quality level and adjusts the bit rate to meet it.

Variable Bit Rate Max Quality: Dynamically adjusts the bit rate to maintain the maximum achievable quality

RTSP Mode: the network protocol that the RTSP will use. The default is UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Unicast.

None: RTSP protocol is not used

UDP Multicast: Data is streamed from one or more points to a set of other points. This connectionless datagram service emphasises reduced latency over reliability.

UDP Unicast: Data is streamed from one point to another point. This connectionless datagram service emphasises reduced latency over reliability.

TCP Interleaved: Data is streamed between applications running on hosts communicati