Camera Settings


These settings control the built-in Witness camera control system. They apply to AdvanceGuard®, Sea360® and ClearWay™.


Due to the global impact of these settings we recommend the Camera Controller is restarted once they have been changed.

Camera Settings

Camera System Enabled: Enables the whole camera and viewer systems.

Ignore Areas for Manual Move: By default, the right-click move honours the camera areas. So, this setting will ignore the camera areas and a right-click will move the camera.

Camera Update Period (s): How often we send an update command to the automatic camera control.

User Override Timeout (s): The time period we pause the automatic camera control after a user has taken manual control through external/operator override. Assuming no further manual control, the camera will return to automatic after this time period.

Manual Override Timeout (s): The time period we pause the automatic camera control after a user has taken manual control in the Witness UI. Assuming no further manual control, the camera will return to automatic after this time period.

Without the Camera System Enabled, you can configure cameras and viewers, but they will not respond to manual or automatic control.

OSD Settings

These settings dictate the On-Screen Display text.

Speed Unit: The unit displayed for the speed of the camera target.

Home Display String: The text displayed whilst the camera at home position.

Manual Move String: The text displayed when an operator is taking manual control of the camera.

Dwell String: The text displayed when the camera is briefly focused on one position, in dwell position.

Target Display String 1: The generic target information text displayed, with place holders for default information provided for targets.

Target Display String 2: As above.

Camera Plugin: The operator can choose between VLC (VLC Media Player) or FFMPEG to display live video.

VMS Integration Enabled: Select this checkbox to enable Video Management System (VMS) integration.

To use VLC you must have the x64 bit version of the VLC application installed (

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