UI Recording
The UI can be streamed and recorded as an MJPEG video, like a camera stream, through an Enabled PPI Pane, or by using RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol). The UI Stream can be recorded by 3rd party VMS, such as Milestone. The UI Stream can only be enabled from an additional PPI Pane and not from the main display. This enables the UI Stream to have its own scale and view of the site which is not affected by the operator. In additional the PPI Pane can be hidden to avoid any interference with it whilst it is being recorded. The UI Stream will be maintained for as long as the PPI Pane is open.
An MJPEG is a sequence of JPEG frames. The resulting quality of video compression is independent from the motion in the image, and there is minimum latency in image processing. MJPEG is therefore not very efficient, but is easy to use and code for.
UI Stream
To setup a UI Steam:
Open a new PPI Pane from the System Menu:System Menu.
Select Enabled for the UI to be streamed and recorded as video, like a camera stream.
The settings for the UI Stream are discussed here: UI Stream. To minimise the PPI Pane without ending the recording, select Hide Source Window under the UI Stream settings.
The PPI Pane will remain hidden until the Stop Video Stream icon is selected in the PPI Navigation Control.
Related Information
Camera Setup and Configuration (Witness 4.0)
Schedules Configuration (Witness 4.0)