

Customers and integrators can use this facility to record notes about setup and configuration changes. This feature allows users to record general notes as well as specific notes against each configuration change,

When the form is opened it will display all the most recent configuration change logs so you can add notes as required. You can also review older notes by adjusting the search criteria and retrieving historical entries from the database.


Site Notes

To add sites notes simply add text to the Site Notes and select Save when compete.

Change Log Notes

When the form loads it will show the log entries for all configuration changes made since the user logged into the client application. You can add notes to any of these entries to record why the changes were made.













The type of the entity that was modified.

Type of modification that took place.

The name of the entity which was modified.

The date and time the entity was modified.

The message describing the change.

Additional notes to describe what the change was and why it was altered. This is intended to provide a more detailed audit trail for all administrators of the system.

Reviewing Notes

You can search for older change logs and logs where users have recorded additional notes. To search for change logs:

  1. Set the search criteria as required.

  2. Select Reload Logs to find the logs.

Log Search Criteria

Notes Only: Select to view only the change logs that have Notes

Begin/End Date: Configure the time period in days to view change logs from.

Start/Finish Time: Configure the time period in hours to view change logs from.

Users: Select the user to responsible for changing the configuration.

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