Speed Rule

Speed Rule


This page covers how to configure a Speed Rule which includes a video demonstrating the process. Typically, this rule can be used to alert you to one or more vehicles moving slowly in a section.

Speed rules are Section Rules. This means that, by default, each section is examined at regular intervals for evidence of of one or more tracks breaking the rule.



To configure a Speed Rule:

  1. Select the carriageway and click on the Actions button:


  2. Select Rules:


  3. On the Configure Rules window select New:


  4. Select Speed from the drop down list:



  5. Then click Create Rule:



  6. The default rule settings can then be adjusted as desired. In the example below the Sub Type, Speed, Sow Areas In Alarm, Severity, Action, Alarm Description and Alarm Priority were changed:



  7. On the Advanced tab the Classification filters were changed to select the carriageway vehicles:



  8. The new rule is now displayed in the Configure Rules window:



The following video demonstrates how to manually configure a Speed Rule and what happens when a target breaks that rule:

Speed Rule.mp4

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