Close Following Rule
This page covers how to configure a Close Following Rule which includes a video demonstrating the process. Typically, this rule can be used to alert you if a vehicle is travelling too closely behind another.
Close following rules are used to analyse each track in turn. Like all other rules, this will raise an alarm for a section, but the rule will look at each track individually to identify if it has broken the rule.
To configure a Close Following Rule:
Select the carriageway and click on the Actions button:
Select Rules:
On the Configure Rules window select New:
Select Close Following from the drop down list:
Then click Create Rule:
The default rule settings can then be adjusted as desired. In the example below the Severity and Alarm Priority were changed:
On the Advanced tab the Classification filters were changed to select the carriageway vehicles:
On the Sections tab add the sections where you want to detect and enforce the close following rule - for example, a section which has a camera configured to capture the rule being broken, and then click Save:
The new rule is now displayed in the Configure Rules window:
The following video demonstrates how to configure a Close Following Rule and what happens when the rule is broken:
Related Information
ClearWay™ System Design (Witness 4.0)
Getting Started (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ V4.7.x Release Notes (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay ™ (Products)
ClearWay™ V4.5.x Release Notes (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ Track Queries (Witness 4.0)
Sections (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ V4.4.x Release Notes (Witness 4.0)
ClearWay™ V4.3.x Release Notes (Witness 4.0)
Final Steps (Witness 4.0)