ClearWay™ System Design

ClearWay™ System Design


This section covers the key components of the ClearWay™ system - hardware and software - and how they interact with each other across a network. It also covers topics such as configuration options, sensor network requirements and options for resilience.


Network Bandwidth

Specific bandwidth requirements are covered in more detail below, and in the Hardware Prerequisites page: Hardware Prerequisites. However, sufficient capacity must be allowed for the radar data and this must be based on an absolute allocation of bandwidth, not an average. The data from a radar will continuously stream at the specified data rate, it will not vary. Taking into account the radar data and any other data being transmitted on the network (i.e. CCTV video), we would recommend that this does not exceed 70% of the available bandwidth. We would not recommend a data network with less than 1Gbps bandwidth.

Radar Model

Centralised Processing

On-board Processing

Commissioning Requirements


Radar Model

Centralised Processing

On-board Processing

Commissioning Requirements


CTS-350X (v2)

28 Mbps Max / 10 Mbps Typical


Centralised (Max): 28 Mbps from radar to Track Engine & 28 Mbps from Track Engine to Client Application

Centralised (Typical): 10 Mbps from radar to Track Engine & 10 Mbps from Track Engine to Client Application

  1. The CTS V2 radar has a 25cm resolution, so the amount of data generated for the same range is less. The CTS V4 has a 17cm resolution and therefore has increased detection performance.

CTS-350X (v4)

38 Mbps Max / 15 Mbps Typical

0.5 - 1 Mbps Typical

On-board (Typical): 15 Mbps from radar to Client Application

Centralised (Max): 38 Mbps from radar to Track Engine & 38 Mbps from Track Engine to Client Application

Centralised (Typical): 15 Mbps from radar to Track Engine & 15 Mbps from Track Engine to Client Application

  1. Planning requirements should be based on typical figures. Max is included to illustrate worst case.

  2. Note that on-board commissioning requirements do not include a max figure - this is because the on-board processing is designed to work with a typical data load - not the maximum.

  3. The on-board bandwidth for normal operation is entirely dependent on the number of vehicles being tracked. If the road is busy this figure can reach 1 Mbps or in some extreme cases, exceed this for short periods.

  4. Note that for centralised processing, the bandwidth requirement from the Track Engine to the Client Application is normally within the same data centre and therefore may only impact the local network switch or LAN.

Software Components

The following components make up the Witness™ software: