ClearWay™ V4.5.x Release Notes
These release notes cover ClearWay™ V4.5 and above.
This version requires .NET 4.8
Version 4.5.0 Build 626 - 15 January 2020
Tracker Release Notes
Fixed issue with tracks not classifying
Fixed issue with Mobile Server incorrectly installing
Version 4.5.0 Build 623 - 08 January 2020
Tracker Release Notes
Fixed OPC Plugin to correctly honour product mode
Fixed issue when cameras take too long to process messages, causing eratic camera behaviour
Fixed error when requesting open street map background tiles
Fixed potential memory leak with alarm manager
Fixed close following missing the breaking track
Fixed Open Street Map not updating tiles
New Features
Added BreakingTrackDbId to Highways Alarm Source Payload
Version 4.5.0 Build 621 - 18 December 2019
Tracker Release Notes
New Features
TUN-3382 - Add logic so that tracks are ignored from a radar / tracker when the radar has been disabled
TUN-3337 - Added Huawei IPC6681-Z20
TUN-3357 - Add coast ratio to the property options for property check in rule
TUN-3354 - Add dialog and permission handling to only allow system profile to be toggled by an authorised user
Stop MS from starting if an upgrade error occurs
TUN-3294 - Add the a user role permission for user and engineer to allow / prevent them changing the system profile
TUN-3258 - Add a UDP Server to the TE to distribute tracks
TUN-3408 - Improved Integration Simulator Alarm Clear/Acknowledge Handling
TUN-3347 - Improved handling of errors that can cause the Management Server to crash
Added Relay ID to radars to enable Adam 6060 unit to raise alarms
TUN-3364 - Changed carriageway wizard to setup default debris rule as a track rule not a section-based rule
TUN-3369 - Updated UI to support 500Km x 500Km display area
Added Minimum Sightings to traffic analysis plugin
Added Bosch MIC 9000 and MIC 612 as they are just other models with same lenses
TUN-3491 - Provide option for both Traffic Analysis and Close following vehicle length measurement to be calculated from "Size in Azimuth" only
TUN-3198 - Fixed an issue with camera lock where, in specific conditions, the lock failed and the camera moved home after the dwell period
Fixed issue with Camera not moving when extra PPI opened in camera overwatch mode
TUN-3360 - Fixed the use of the Site Configuration in the MS
TUN-3368 - Fixed issue where cloning a track can lead to negative track attribute values
Fixed handling of malformed ICD-001 input command with incorrect byte order on the length field
Fixed alarm acknowledge handling for integration plugins
TUN-3378 - Fixed camera areas not showing when UI option to show all camera area is used
Fixed Scafell not loading languages
TUN-3319 - When using the timed alarm clear option from UI, active alarms move to acknowledge list but then can't be acknowledged
Fixed error in handling TLS and legacy encryption connections that could cause high CPU usage in Track Engine
The Witness services are no longer prefixed with Navtech but with ClearWay
Note that due to the database upgrade, this version must only be installed after upgrading to V4.4.0