Video Server

Video Server


These are the settings for the Situational Awareness video server. These settings control how data is rendered on each video stream.


Video Server

Situation Awareness Export Settings

POI Text Colour: The colour of text labeling a Point of Interest in the Situation Awareness video.

Default Area Colour: The colour of the carriageway area in the Situation Awareness video.

Default Font Size: The font size of text in the Situation Awareness video.

Default Line Width: The width of the carriageway outline in the Situation Awareness Video. 

Show Name and Time: Enabled to show the Radar name, time and date on the S/A Video.

Show Legend: Enabled to show an Icon Key on the S/A Video.

Show Scale: Enable to show the distance scale on the S/A Video.

Filter by Classification: Enable to only render tracks of the selected classifications in the S/A video.

Radar Data Name: Name the Radar Data as you wish it to appear on the Icon Key.

Classification Icons

This table specifies the classification icons used to represents tracks in the S/A Videos:









The named label of the track type.

The classification of the track type.

The shape representative of the track type.

The colour of the symbol.

  1. In order to add additional icon:

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select the symbol to open the Add Classification window:>

  4. Configure to the desired specification. There can only be one configuration per classification, and thus the chart is limited to seven rows - seven classifications.

  5. There are, however, only five different icon graphics, because it is unlikely that a user will need more than five classifications to be identified on a S/A Video e.g. it is highly unlikely a S/A Video will have to represent a vehicle, boat and aeroplane simultaneously. 

  6. Select Apply. The new classification icon will now appear within the table.

  7. To delete a classification icon, select it within the table, then select the dust-bin icon .

  8. Select Save. 

Situational Awareness Export Options

Create Map: Export a Situation Awareness map based on the configured settings. This map will be

Clear Situational Awareness Map: Deletes an out of date Situation Awareness map.

To update a map you should clear it first then select Create Map to export a new one with the latest settings.

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