Accessing the ClearWay™ Mobile Client

Accessing the ClearWay™ Mobile Client


This section explains how to access and login to the ClearWay™ Mobile client.


Prerequisites & Requirements

Please refer to: Setting Up the Mobile Client.

Getting Started

  1. To enable the Mobile Server, you will need to obtain a Google API Key. Here is a link to the Google API Key page: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys#creating_an_api_key.

  2. Navigate to Topology > Integration Services.

  3. Click the Edit button to enter your API Key:


  4. Once you have entered your API Key click Save.

  5. The IP Address of the Mobile Server, and a field for the API Key of your system will be displayed, similar to the example below:


  6. Open a web browser and enter the following with your system's Mobile Server IP Address and Port Number: 8443. https://(Address):8443

Logging into the ClearWay™ Mobile Client

User Name: The user name of the account.

Password: The password for the selected user account.

Remember: This option will automatically login the last logged on user without a password.

The Remember option is beneficial for Video Management Systems to save the user time logging in.

Related Information

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