Display Settings

Display Settings


This page discusses the display options available to you.


Map Display

This is discussed here: The Project Dashboard | Google Map Type.


By default when you edit a project or scenario in the editor no labels will be shown.  

  1. To display road labels and radar labels, click the Switch Labels button:


  2. A Switch Labels On/Off dialogue is displayed:


  3. Clicking Navtech Labels will show the names of the radars and areas if they have the option to show a label selected.


  4. Selecting Google Labels displays the names of roads, points of interest and river names. Note: In an area with a lot of labels, the display can become cluttered.


  5. You can also display both:


  6. To close the labels toggle click the :


The Trace toggle allows you to see how obstructions can mask what the radar sees.

This picture shows what the map will look like if Trace is not enabled:

This example shows when the Trace option is enabled:

The purple highlights the parts of the map where the radar can detect data.

Once enabled, the trace option is saved, so when you reload the project, it will still be enabled.  

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