This section covers Points of Interest (POI’s) within your scenario.
Adding a POI
To add a POI to the map, ensure you are in Edit mode, then:
Click the Add POI button:
A POI Label dialogue will open:
Give the POI a name and click the Create button and your new POI will appear on the map:
You can move the POI around the map using left-click+drag with your mouse and you can update its properties whilst it has been chosen for editing.
Click Save to save the new POI.
POI Properties
Name: Allows you to change the name of the POI.
Font Size: This allows you to change the size of the POI name when displayed on the map.
Hidden: When this is selected then the POI will not be displayed on the map.
Display Label: Select this checkbox to display the name of the POI (this is selected by default).
Editing a POI
Once a POI has been created it can be edited.
Ensure you are in Edit mode.
To select the POI, there are two options. You can click on the POI on the map or select the POI from the object list. If you select the POI from the list, the map will pan to the POI.
The object properties list will be available:
You can change the name of the POI, alter the label font size, choose whether to display it’s name and decide whether it is hidden.
To alter the location of the POI, select the pin and use left-click+drag with your mouse.
If you are unhappy with the editing, you can click Cancel and this will undo the changes.
Deleting a POI
To delete a POI, make sure you are in edit mode. Select the POI and click the Delete button:
A confirmation dialog will be displayed:
If Yes is selected, then the POI will be deleted. If No is selected then it will not be deleted and you will be returned to the map.
Click Save to save the changes.
If you delete a POI by mistake, provided that you have not saved the scenario, you can click Cancel to return to the previous state before you started editing.