Sharing Projects
Once a project has been created, there may be a situation where more than one person will be involved with the planning of radars and also locations of obstructions and perimeters.
This page discusses the options for sharing.
Share a Project
To share a project with other users click the Private toggle button:
The Private toggle will change to off:
In this mode, the project is shared with everyone who has an account with Thea.
Clicking the toggle again will make your scenario private.
Export a Project
You can export a selected scenario from a project to the World View. Please refer to World View for more information about this feature.
To export, choose the scenario you wish to share.
Once selected, the Export toggle is available:
The toggle will change to show that it is enabled:
If you decide that you no longer wish your scenario to be available on the World View then click the toggle again to disable the feature.
Get Link
There is an option to produce a read-only link that will expire, which can be sent to a client who can then view the scenario without a login.
To do this:
Click the Get Link button:
A Choose Expiry Time for RO dialogue will open allowing you to select the timeout for the link:
Select your timeout and click the Create RO button:
A R/O URL For Customers dialogue will open. Click the Copy To Clipboard button:
A URL will be copied to you clipboard.
Send this link to your customer.
They can paste this URL into a browser and view the scenario for the period of time specified.
This is a read-only (RO) link so it cannot be edited.
Save Image
You can also save an image of the scenario, which can be shared to others.
To do this:
Click the Save Image button:
A downloads notification will be displayed:
The image can then be used and or shared.