Topology - ClearWay™ Mobile Client


The Topology tab allows you to monitor your radar connectivity and to perform certain maintenance tasks to improve radar health.


Accessing The Topology Page

  1. To access the Topology page, click on the Topology icon:


  2. The Topology page will be displayed.

Radar Summary

The Radar Summary shows the same information as Radar Summary | Radar Summary in the ClearWay™ Windows UI:

Health: The health status of the radar using colour to show Healthy (green) Warning (amber) and Unhealthy (red). If a radar is not assigned to a Track Engine then the colour will be white.

Name: The name allocated to the radar.

Selected: Click to select an individual or multiple radar for an action.

Serial Number: The radar serial number.

User ID: A user friendly ID that can be used for external control, associated with whomever created the radar.

Address: The IP address of the radar.

Model: The radar model number.

Firmware: The firmware version number.

Type: The connection type.

Tracker Version: The On-Board Tracker version number.

Track Engine: This shows which track engine the radar is allocated to.

You can sort these fields clicking on one of the Sort icons:

You can also change the System Profile. Please refer to Navigating the ClearWay™ Mobile Client | Changing System Profile for more information.


Providing you have access, you can select one or more radar by clicking in the Selected checkbox field/s:

Then you can select the Actions dropdown window to select from the following list of actions:

Restart Tracker

This option will restart the radar(s). A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. To continue click the Yes button.

Reboot Tracker

This option will reboot the radar(s). A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. To continue click the Yes button.

Capture Floor

This option will capture the floor of the radar(s). A confirmation message is displayed.

  1. To continue click the Yes button:


  2. A notification will be displayed:

For more information about the Clutter Map please refer to: Clutter Map and Clutter Floor.

Capture Logs

This option will capture the logs of the the radar(s). A notification for each radar is displayed:

The logs are stored in the Logs folder on the track engine which manages the radar; by default placed here: C:\ProgramData\Navtech\Logs.

If there are multiple track engines for numerous radar, then the logs for each radar will go into their own track engine.

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