
This section covers VSO - Volume, Speed and Occupancy metrics within the ClearWay™ Mobile Client.

It will display these statistics for all of your sites carriageways and sections that are enabled in the Traffic Analysis settings.

The VSO page is only available if Traffic Analysis is enabled in ClearWay™.


Accessing The VSO Page

  1. To access the VSO page, click on the VSO icon:



  2. The VSO page will be displayed.

VSO Page

In this scenario, we have two carriageways, called Carriageway 1 and Carriageway 2:


To access the VSO graphs for each carriageway:

  1. Click on the arrows to view the sections:


  2. The sections will have been configured in the ClearWay™ application, as in the example below, which has two Traffic Analysis sections for each carriageway:


  3. Next, you can select a section:


  4. This will then display four graphs; VSO, Volume, Speed and Occupancy.

VSO Graph

The VSO graph combines the volume, speed and occupancy data:

Volume Graph

The Volume graph displays the traffic volume over the selected time period:

Speed Graph

The Speed graph displays the traffic speed in mph:

Occupancy Graph

The Occupancy graph shows the traffic occupancy of the selected section (as a percentage of the section occupied by the track):


You can use your mouse to hover over points along the graphs to display a tooltip showing the time and metrics for that point:

Time Frame

The time frame can be changed at the top right of the graphs. You can choose between 1 hour, 24 hours, 72 hours, and 7 days:


Clicking the Export button will download a .CSV file reporting on the selected section with the Lane User Id and the Volume, Occupancy and Speed stats:


Clicking the Home icon will return you to the Dashboard:

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