Emergency View

Emergency View


The Emergency page provides a view for tunnel operators and emergency services to quickly access the information they need when an incident is under way. It enables operators to quickly see where vehicles and people are in a tunnel, and the state of the radar array.


Accessing the Emergency View

To open the Emergency View:

  1. Click on the Emergency icon on the mobile client:



  2. This will open the Emergency View:


  3. Alternatively, enter the following with your system's Mobile Server IP Address and Port Number: 8443/Emergency e.g. https://(Address):8443/Emergency on a web browser.


As in the main operator view of the Mobile Client, this schematic is a simplified diagram of the carriageways in grid form, with each carriageway allocated a row, and each section allocated a column along that row.

The schematic can be moved, reduced and enlarged as it can on the main operator view of the Mobile Client. The Home icon will also return the schematic to it’s home position and scale.

Each radar is represented by a radar icon and placed along the carriageway grid to replicate their placement on the real carriageway. Green radar are healthy, any radar icon that is orange signifies a warning and red represents an unhealthy radar:

Red dotted outlines on a carriageway section signifies that there is no radar coverage for that section.

If any maintenance works have been currently configured within the main ClearWay™ application UI, then maintenance mode icons will be displayed on the schematic as in the example below:

There are three types of road maintenance icons displayed:

Maintenance, Maintenance with Pedestrian and Contraflow.

If the carriageway has been configured to have sections with Traffic Analysis (please refer to: Traffic Analysis Plugin), then the Traffic Analysis icons will be displayed:


The Live screen displays the flow of traffic along the carriageways in real time. If the carriageways are configured with separate lanes then these will be separated by white dashed lines. The direction of the traffic is marked using arrows.

Representations of people, moving vehicles / targets and any stopped vehicles are portrayed as white icons along the carriageway just as they would be on the PPI Map within the main ClearWay™ user interface.

White heatmaps indicate the total number of tracks in that section.

You can change the size of the schematic by scrolling your mouse, and you can Click+Drag to change the viewable areas of the carriageway.

Clicking on a section of a carriageway will highlight that section in pink and will open an info panel with the carriageway name and section number. It includes details of the number of tracks, vehicles and large vehicles currently in that section, with their average speed in m/s:

There will also be alarm and queue indicators. The bell icon will change colour from white to orange or red for any section-based alarms for the selected section. If the queue icon is orange then that signifies if there is a queue detected in the section.


Total Vehicles

This displays the total number of vehicles in current incidents.

Total People

This displays the total number of people who are currently outside of their vehicles on the carriageway:

Total Radars

The top number shows the number of radars with healthy coverage on the carriageway or carriageways.

The circle is colour coded to show healthy = green, yellow = warning or unhealthy = red. A white circle indicates that the system has not yet retrieved the necessary data.

The bottom number displays the total number of radars on the carriageway(s).

In this example, there are 28 healthy radars out of 43. The colour of the circle is a quick indicator showing that there is a problem with a number of radars:

Tracks Monitored / Unhealthy Radars

This graph displays the monitored tracks on the carriageway or carriageways and if there are any unhealthy radar:

Carriageway Selection

You can use the dropdown carriageway selector to focus solely on one carriageway, multiple carriageways or all.

You can use your mouse to hover over points along the graph to display a tooltip showing the time, carriageway and the number of tracks:

Hovering over an unhealthy radar indicator will reveal a tooltip showing the time and number of unhealthy radars:

Incident Alarms

This panel displays any incident alarms.

Cleared alarms will be colour-coded white next to their ID, and live alarms will be red.

ID: The unique alarm ID.

Description: This displays the classification of the target, the carriageway, section and lane where the alarm was raised.

Created: The date and time the alarm was raised.

Cleared: This will show the date and time if the alarm has been cleared.

Actions: This shows any actions that can be taken. Clicking on the interactive Locate icon will replay the recorded track or tracks that raised the alarm.

The dashboard entries can be sorted by clicking the Sort option within each list:


When the Playback tab is selected then you will be able to playback tracks from the Incident Alarms list. The track will be displayed as a moving icon in yellow.

White heatmaps indicating the total number of tracks in that section may also be shown:

To playback a track:

  1. Open the Incident Alarms tab.

  2. Select the Locate icon under Actions.

  3. The track or tracks that raised the alarm will be replayed along the schematic, and the recording should start 10 seconds before the event that raised the alarm starts.

Playback Control

The Playback Control allows you to select a time by sliding the time button along the timeline:

The day / time will be displayed beneath the button:

Along the bottom right are the Rewind, Pause, Play and Fast Forward options:


The following video shows how to playback a track. In this scenario the track ID is 2239:


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