Alarms - ClearWay™ Mobile Client

Alarms - ClearWay™ Mobile Client


This section covers the ClearWay™ Mobile Client Alarms.

The behaviour of the ClearWay™ Mobile Client will reflect the configuration of the ClearWay™ application. For example; a user logged into the Mobile Client will have the same permissions as in the main application. Unlike the main Windows application, these permissions cannot be set using the Mobile Client, they must be configured in the main client.


Live Alarm Panel

Beneath the Schematic area there is a panel to display interactive icons representing live alarm or queue incidents.

In the example below the two icons on the left-hand side show the number of live incidents (12 alarms and 3 queues), and the individual icons grouped on their right then display each incident in time order.

Hovering over an individual icon will show the Locate icon and details regarding the alarm. Clicking on an individual icon will synchronise with the map to focus onto that area, providing that the map is selected for the lower display. It will also synchronise with the Schematic to focus on the affected lane/section blocks on the grid.

Incident Alarms

Please refer to:Dashboard - ClearWay™ Mobile Client | Incident Alarms.

System Alarms

Please refer to:Dashboard - ClearWay™ Mobile Client | System Alarms.

Map Alarms

Please see:Alarms - ClearWay™ Mobile Client | Map Alarms.

Live Alarms

This panel displays the highway alarms which are currently active. These would typically be triggered in response to an incident that requires a response.

These can be sorted by clicking the Sort option within each list:

ID: The unique alarm ID.

Description: This displays the classification of the target, the carriageway, section and lane where the alarm was raised.

Created: The date and time the alarm was raised.

Acknowledged: This will show the date and time if the alarm has been acknowledged.

Actions: This will show any actions that can be taken. Clicking on the Locate icon will dynamically move the schematic to the display the affected section of the carriageway centre-screen:

Clicking on the Clear Alarm icon will open a Select Clear Time dialog to choose a clear time:

This will suppress the alarm for the period requested. It should reappear in the list after that time if it is still active.

System Alarms

This panel displays system alarms which are typically health and configuration alarms. These are only raised if a problem has been detected with the overall operation of the system.

These can be sorted by clicking the Sort option within each list:

Alarm ID: The unique alarm ID.

Description: This will list the effected radar, track engine etc with a description of the issue.

Created: The date and time the alarm was raised.

Actions: This will show any actions that can be taken. Clicking on the Clear Alarm icon will clear the alarm and remove it from the list.

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