AdvanceGuard® V4.11 Release Notes

AdvanceGuard® V4.11 Release Notes


These release notes cover AdvanceGuard® V4.11 and above.


Version 4.11.0 Build 857 - 18 July 2023

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-5673 - Fixed issue with the rule folder action where it was not applying consistently to all child objects within folder. In addition, the the action notification message has been updated to indicate how many items where updated from the expected total.

  • TUN-6043 - Fixed the PiP viewers so they no longer rotate when the main PPI is rotated.

  • Adapted the UI validation limits for azimuths per rotation to ensure the software can be configured for the FOD radar (was included in the pre-release Build 856 for testing purposes).

Version 4.11.0 Build 855 - 13 February 2023

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-5868 - Fixed an infrequent scenario where a final track sighting can be displayed at 0,0 in the UI instead of at the correct last position of the track. This only impacts the display.

Version 4.11.0 Build 854 - 06 February 2023

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes


  • Improved the custom date selection dialog for the playback to allow longer time windows.


  • TUN-5836 - Fixed the validation error message for the break count reset field in the Rule Node break count.

  • TUN-5878 - Fixed the manual radar log fetching mode to ensure it works with user-defined schedules.

  • TUN-5623 - Fixed the track CSV export to show per sighting FA probability correctly.

Note that although the playback search window can be increased the data fetched is still limited by the maximum record cap. If a user selects a very large search window its unlikely that all the records will be returned so further filtering criteria may be required.

Version 4.11.0 Build 852 - 15 November 2022

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes


  • Deployed a new tracker which can recover from internal network failures on the HDR100 series when using the on-board module.


  • Fixed an issue when retrieving logs from the radar using a schedule which would fail randomly

  • TUN-5797 - Fixed an issue where in certain conditions the ICD-001 plugin would generate duplicate reports

Version 4.11.0 Build 850 - 23 September 2022

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-5668 - Added RF Health alarm support so AG can raise alarms in the event that the radar reports an unhealthy RF status. This has been added to support the new RF Health monitoring feature in the 3.1.x and later versions of the radar firmware.


  • TUN-5538 - Updated missing French translations and translations which were too long.

  • Improved the backup routine to reduce the memory footprint when backing up large collections such as the FA Track collection.


  • TUN-5586 - Added unit label to the Clutter Map Decay setting.

  • TUN-5601 - Fixed the breach line rule logic so the ordering of segments works correctly which means the correct direction logic is applied to the correct segment.

  • TUN-5654 - Fixed an issue with Track Retention where the maximum count limit was being ignored.

  • TUN-5658 - Fixed the wiper control on the RVX2 camera driver.

  • Fixed an issue with the Dallmeier driver where it was not being explicitly set as a static camera which meant the FOV was not being displayed.

  • Fixed issue related to having a large collection of False Alarm tracks to support the ML clustering logic. The fetching of tracks by the TE is now delayed after initial connection to the MS and all data is fetched in batches to minimise the memory usage. Memory will still spike during this process but it will remain within the recommended specification for the MS OS.

  • Fixed an issue with TLS blocking in ICD-001 when a client tries to connect without TLS enabled.

Due to the minor delay in loading the FA tracks when a Track Engine starts, there will be a small delay before FA confidence values are applied to live track sightings. In reality due to the time it takes for the Track Engine and the Tracker to full initialise on first start, this delay should not be noticeable.

Version 4.11.0 Build 845 - 27 July 2022

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-5534 - Added the ability to see the component parts of the licence fingerprint using the Witness Utilities. This has been added to help diagnose issues where customers are seeing their fingerprint values change following updates to a virtual machine.


  • Upgrader fixed to handler property values changing

Version 4.11.0 Build 841 - 25 July 2022

Orca Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 32-Bit Tracker Release Notes - NavOS 64-Bit Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Added French Translations


  • TUN-5493 - Add logging level to captured radar logs


  • TUN-5520 - Fixed Camera controllers are not updating their backup / backed up status in the Topology view in Helvellyn

  • TUN-5039 - Added fix for Milestone reported username change from version 16 and 0 size image viewer causing overlay not to be displayed

  • TUN-5467 - Fixed Classification zoom factors in advanced camera settings are not saving / handling dirtiness correctly