AdvanceGuard® V4.8 Release Notes

AdvanceGuard® V4.8 Release Notes


These release notes cover AdvanceGuard® V4.8 and above.

Please note that version 4.8 of AdvanceGuard® requires a new licence when upgrading from earlier versions. To create the new licence ensure you use the equivalent version of the Licencing Tool.

Please speak to the Development team regarding how to upgrade the licence configuration file to work around a UTC time problem that can occur


Version 4.8.0 Build 621 - 25 August 2020

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Added FLIR PT-606Z ONVIF Camera

  • TUN-3864 - Added option of pinning video viewers to map layer from the camera

  • TUN-3883 - Added optional sector based height map to cameras


  • Improved handling of FLIR camera token system

  • Find dialog supports searching everything of a single type with an empty search

  • TUN-3490 - Added detection areas to Echodyne radar config


  • TUN-3967 - Fixed missing title for colour change notification

  • TUN-3966 - Fixed layer interactivity handling

Version 4.8.0 Build 615 - 06 August 2020

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue with new onboard tracker upgrade not working correctly

Version 4.8.0 Build 611 - 04 August 2020

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed right click not working in Web UI

Version 4.8.0 Build 606 - 31 July 2020

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Added zoom factor to video viewer

  • TUN-3943 - Added default sort option and persistence to sortable columns

  • TUN-3936 - Added ability for a camera to dwell forever having finished following a target

  • TUN-3902 - Implemented an area hierarchy for enable/disable actions. All areas nested below an area will follow the parent enabled state providing they have the same disarm mode


  • Ensured images displayed in the Incident Report or exported Alarm dashboard images are displayed as expected regardless of the screen resolution or desktop DPI setting and regardless of if the UI is run locally or remotely

  • TUN-3938 - Fixed using an operator acknowledge dialog are seeing the occasional failure where the alarm is not acknowledged

Version 4.8.0 Build 603 - 27 July 2020

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-3822 - Added support for the SightLogix SightSensor thermal cameras, including the integration of their track output into AdvanceGuard

  • TUN-3861 - Added the ability to filter SightLogix camera tracks based on available detection areas

  • TUN-3885 - Added a system alarm for a bad tracker licence. This works for both local and onboard trackers

  • TUN-3894 - Added the Clutter Control setting to Tracker Parameters profile setting

  • TUN-3891 - Added ability to copy an existing user and change the password at the same time through the use of the new user wizard

  • TUN-3857 - Added new Incident Report which can be printed or exported as PDF

  • TUN-3910 - Added SD Factor to the thresholding process

  • TUN-3919 - Implemented an over-the-wire mechanism to upgrade the onboard tracker using SSH

  • TUN-3897 - Added a new Dynamic Zoom feature to the cameras. This allows zoom to be automatically adjusted based on the speed of a target


  • TUN-3863 - Added a new camera alignment mode which reformats the camera setting panel to show only relevant controls including the video feed from the selected camera

  • TUN-3869 - Added support for multiple RTSP streams from ONVIF compatible cameras. This allows viewers to be easily configured with different steams available from the camera

  • TUN-3875 - Improved the Track History label. It is now more compact and includes the alarm state and classification

  • TUN-3877 - Added Use TLS option to login dialog. This allows users to change the TLS option at login to match the TLS configuration for the Management Server

  • TUN-3865 - Replaced entity tree drag and drop with new multi-select operations. This allows multiple entities to be moved or deleted in a single operation

  • TUN-3878 - Created new change password mechanism which now prompts users with a separate change password dialog and will also challenge non-admin users for their old password

  • TUN-3873 - Added a global play / pause / stop option (no rewind etc) for file playback so we can trigger all radar to start / stop at the same time

  • TUN-3892 - Moved the Clear tracks button to first slot on Quick Reports radial menu

  • TUN-3898 - Removed camera beam overlay for static cameras and ensured static cameras always point towards their fixed field of view (FOV)

  • Improved the target latching to ensure only Automatic cameras can be tasked

  • Added Username to latching track update to allow integration plugins to output more details for VMS systems

  • Allowed Web UI certificate to contain all IP address of the machine

  • Added range and FOV to camera creation wizard for the SightLogix cameras to handle their range of model variants


  • TUN-3874 - Fixed issue with where UI would no longer show tracks

  • Fixed minor issues with the Web UI to resolve Node connection problems and improved overall stability

Version 4.8.0 Build 581 - 26 June 2020

Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-3859 - Fixed an issue with the Mobile Sever where certain configuration edits where causing the Mobile Sever and Web UIs to disconnect

  • Fixed a minor issue in the Web UI which was not removing cameras from the map when they had been deleted from the configuration

Version 4.8.0 Build 578 - 22 June 2020

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-3707 - Added support for the Bosch AUTODOME IP starlight 5000i IR

  • TUN-3760 - Added support for the Vision 360 Predator x40 ONVIF

  • TUN-3820 - Added support for the Vision 360 Predator x40 using Vision 360 Protocol. Telemetry control via the 360 Vision protocol is recommended over using ONVIF because it offers more features

  • TUN-3777 - Added support for the Axis Q8742-LE Zoom

  • TUN-3704 - Added the ability to use sun rise/set times for schedules. This feature will provide reliable first and last light times based on the location of the site

  • TUN-3725 - Created a new security rule check that will mark a track as a friend if it’s within a configurable distance of an IFF track and also within a configurable distance to a breach line. This is designed to avoid nuisance alarms from tugs which are towing aircraft with active ADS-B transponders across CP line

  • TUN-3687 - Added the ability to round and localise metrics, such as speed, that can be configured to appear in security alarm descriptions. These options are configured through systems settings

  • TUN-3734 - Added a new rule check so we can identify tracks with specific tags in the rule engine. This enables the rule engine to respond to specific known tracks allowing custom actions including the ability to be excluded from rule processing if required

  • TUN-3759 - Added a generic hide entity action so all UI elements can be hidden or shown as part of a rule action

  • TUN-3814 - Added a new shortcut to latch a track with a camera by right clicking on the track. This is a user optional feature and is disabled by default


  • TUN-3713 - Updated the Witness Camera Tool to show more camera details and allow absolute position to be sent on demand instead of automatically on user interaction

  • Added consistent camera mapping configuration for all VMS plugins. This ensures we can support cameras with dual lenses and also support duplicate bookmarks across multiple recorders

  • Added re-classification rule triggers for ML Classification. These can now be configured as part of the central ML Classification settings

  • Ensured that ADS-B numeric tags appear as hex within the UI

  • Updated the RTS plugin to ensure unclassified targets have a probability of 0, otherwise a probability of 1 when classified

  • Changed the default ADS-B classification probability to be 0 for unclassified to match radar track sightings. When classified all ADS-B targets will have a probability of 1

  • TUN-3831 - Added a non-friendly sighting filter to ADS-B plugin to avoid passing non-friendly targets into AdvanceGuard. This now the default option

  • TUN-3830 - Added classification override to ADS-B plugin so specific know vehicles / planes can be classified within the ADS-B plugin

  • TUN-3578 - Added an option to the radar info panel with the other rotation controls to enable the rotation of the contour area without rotating radar data

  • Added logic to retain IFF and override status on tracks even when IFF data is sporadic

  • TUN-3804 - Changed security break info data to only be added to tracks if the data is different to defaults

  • TUN-3805 - Added secondary gateway failover configuration and logic to the RTS plugin to support the RTS redundancy setup

  • TUN-3661 - Added a channel filter to the track recorder so recording can be limited to either a specific tracking channel or the debris channel


  • TUN-3727 - Fixed an issue where the Milestone plugin was trying to access cameras from the server when AdvanceGuard is closing

  • TUN-3796 - Fixed the UTC / local time display issue for system notes dialog

  • TUN-3725 - Fixed a bug where IFF playback tracks were not being treated as IFF tracks, they will now be friendly, visually remain green and not be pushed to the rule engine

  • Fixed an issue in the rule Folder Action where Latch was not working correctly and kept updating the database

  • TUN-3752 - Fixed an issue where we were not able to filter group targets by classifications when more then one classification was selected

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the initial rotation of the radar contour area to random jump when not using the mouse wheel

  • TUN-3768 - Fixed an issue to ensure that camera groups work as expected so they now use the maximum follow time for tracks of the same priority

  • Fixed a display issue in the Topology Manager, where the Current Ram tooltip was incorrect

  • Fixed an issue with the False Alarm query not be cleared properly which prevented the heat map displaying when you change colours

  • Fixed an issue with unlatching cameras that was causing an additional unwanted camera tasking after unlatching a track

Due to the improvements for the VMS plugins, we recommend you check any existing installations using the Milestone, BVMS or Genetec plugins after the upgrade to ensure the camera mapping is configured as expected.

Version 4.8.0 Build 529 - 05 May 2020

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue with integration plugins not being able to create bookmarks or alarms in external VMS systems

Version 4.8.0 Build 528 - 27 April 2020

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-3579 - Added new ADS-B plugin which support Asterix Category 21. This supports using ADS-B target data to correlate with radar tracks to provide IFF functionality.

  • TUN-3672 - Added a title bar to the Entity configuration panel so you can always see which object is selected and being changed

  • TUN-3637 - Added the ability to show track history of live tracks when they are selected. The track path will show from the original sighting and will only show when the track is selected

  • TUN-3675 - Added optional basic target data to video viewer overlay

  • Installer can now install services using proper FQDN (fully qualified domain name) credentials

  • TUN-3626 - Added sighting classification and reclassification status to every track sighting. This data is visible in the Track History dialog

  • TUN-3621 - Moved the UI panel layout configurations to the database as part of the user settings so each setup is user specific

  • TUN-3640 - Added an additional UI Track Filter Option to user settings so tracks can be displayed based on one or more severity settings

  • TUN-3636 - Added disk space stats to the Topology Manager view in the UI. This reports consumed and available disk space for all the servers

  • TUN-3683 - Add new System Configuration profile option. This allows operators, based on user group permission, to select system configuration profiles. In response to these changes, rules can undertake any number of actions in order to adapt the current system setup


  • Services will now by default be installed using TLS for service to service communication

  • Trackers will now by default be configured from new to use TLS for onboard communication

  • TUN-3676 - Reduced minimum size of video viewer and added automatic aspect ratio resizing

  • TUN-3698 - Ensured only an administrator can import a system license through the UI

  • TUN-3688 - Enhanced UI track filter to allow selection of all threat types

  • TUN-3632 - Added check for image DPI in background image importer to prevent errors when importing very large, high resolution images

  • TUN-3644 - Ensured both AG and CW will have the same default threshold window size

  • TUN-3645 - Change size and position of Web UI notifications to be larger

  • TUN-3664 - Ensured the User and Engineer accounts will be disabled by default on a new system

  • TUN-3671 - Ensured that default mechanical delay is 800ms for all cameras

  • TUN-3659 - Forced custom empty rules to be disabled when created because they can never be valid on creation

  • TUN-3673 - Ensured the cameras PTZ controls can be hidden via a video viewer config option


  • TUN-3669 - Fixed issue with selecting items in the Web UI as a result of a ordering issue

  • TUN-3696 - Fixed issue with the camera lock mechanism going home after time out

  • TUN-3695 - Fixed Web UI not handling the situation when an area is disarmed while in alarm

  • TUN-3691 - Fixed track tag severity handling and associated setup of the configuration in the system settings

  • Fixed camera/target selection logic to correctly choose the closest target to a camera

  • TUN-3701 - Made sure that the area and breach lines show correct severity colour when in alarm for the Web UI

  • Fixed ML Classification configuration not appearing in global settings

  • TUN-3643 - Fixed bug with track left behind on Web UI when the expire period of track is reached

  • TUN-3645 - Made sure that arm/disarm message in the Web UI uses correctly logged in user name

  • TUN-3666 - Ensured a selected Rule schedules Where Used list will be updated post selection when a relevant change is made in another UI client

  • Fixed for rule engine so we don't load or run invalid rules yet still load disabled rules which we need for rule to rule interaction

Due to the layout settings for the UI now being stored in the users settings in the database, the UI layout may reset to defaults after an upgrade

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