Carriageway Settings

Carriageway Settings


These are the global settings for the all carriageways configured within the software. All these settings can be applied independently for each carriageway but the Carriageway needs to be configured to use its own settings. We recommend that common settings are used across all carriageways wherever possible to reduce the complexity and the overhead of maintaining these settings.



Show Section Labels: Labels appear on sections (by default green and numerical).

Enable Queue Logic: Enable queue recognition software. Once implemented, queues will be be flagged and display visually through an orange fill in the detection area. 

Maximum Speed For Queue (mph): Maximum traffic speed for a queue to be recognised. Anything faster will not be defined as a queue. 

Heavy Traffic Threshold (mph): The speed at which traffic is considered heavy. 

Slow Track Density For Queue (/100m): How many tracks, travelling slower than the maximum queue speed, over one hundred metres, are necessary to considered a section in queue. This calculation of traffic density, as well the average speed of the traffic measured against the maximum queue speed, combine to recognise and alert queues. 

Reset Count Down (s): The time necessary to pass, after the queue rule has been broken, without the queue rule being broken again for the queue alert to be lifted.

Queue Break Count Allowance: Alter the number of times that the queue rule can be broken, section specific, before the defined Action is triggered. When a value is specified for a section, this will override the default break count. 

Queue Break Count Increment: Defines the amount by which the break count should be incremented every time a track breaks the queue rule, section specific.

Enable Auto Queue: Select this is you wish to implement Auto Queue. The software extrapolates on existing queue data to estimate potential or unrecognised queues. 

Auto Queue Detection Window: How many sections within every window the Auto Queue studies e.g. 4.

Auto Queue Section Count: How many of these sections have to be in an existing queue in order for the Auto Queue to assume the entire window is in queue e.g. 2.

Sensor Allocation Mode: This controls the automatic algorithm which allocates each section to a radar. Once a section is allocated to a radar, this radar will be responsible for reporting traffic statistics. The modes are:

Nearest: Radar process targets from sections assigned to them by proximity (this is the default mode).

All in Range: Radar process targets from all sections within their range, sometimes resulting in overlap and double-data. 

Default Tracking Parameters: The parameters by which you will detect traffic. A sample selection of detection parameters, including a Highways Default configuration, is available. You are able to configure your own under Tracking Parameters.

Default Debris Parameters: The parameters by which you will detect debris. A sample selection of detection parameters, including a (default) Highways Debris configuration, is available. You are able to configure your own under Tracking Parameters.

Statistics Update Interval (s): The period of time between data updates, denoting how often an update occurs.

Statistics Storage Interval (s): The period of time between section data being transferred to the database, denoting how often a data transfer occurs. The data transferred is an aggregate of all the data collected within the time period of the Statistics Storage Interval.

Statistics Stale Timeout (s): The period of time in which no data is recorded from a particular section before it is ignored and not reported. 

Rule Update Interval (s): How often the radar checks for rules being broken. 

Quiescence Timer (s): The period of time a carriageway must be detected and recorded as empty before it is officially reported as empty. 

Queue Colour: The fill colour for the sections in Queues on the map display.

These settings are Global Settings, and they are applied to all Carriageways by default, unless overridden by configuring a Carriageway on an individual basis through the Carriageway's own settings.

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