User Security

User Security


This page covers the User Security options available to the operator.


User Security

User Name: The name a user will require to log onto ClearWay™, Sea360® or AdvanceGuard®, and displayed under the Users drop down list.

Display Name: The full name of the user, displayed next to the bust icon, and used to record the actions of the user within the System Logs.

User Group: 

Administrator: Users in this group have full rights to the Witness system and can add, edit and view objects. 

Engineer: Users in this group have limited access and in general can only edit and view objects.

User: Users in this group have read-only access to the system. 

System Account: Not for regular users.  

Change Password

To change your password:

  1. Select the Change Password Button.

  2. A Change Password dialogue will be displayed:


  3. You can then create a new password and will be required to confirm the entry before saving.

The rules regarding passwords is configured in Password Complexity, within the System settings. Please refer to System Settings | Password Complexity.

Related Information


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