ClearWay™ V4.4.x Release Notes


These release notes cover ClearWay™ V4.4 and above.


Version 4.4.0 Build 611 - 09 November 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue Situational Awareness not starting correctly

  • Fixed connection handling of trackers when TLS modes do not match

Version 4.4.0 Build 605 - 04 November 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue with HikVision camera plugin files not being digitally signed correctly

Version 4.4.0 Build 602 - 01 November 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue with tracker TLS handling causing high CPU usage on Track Engine servers

Version 4.4.0 Build 599 - 08 October 2019

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-3189 - Added ICD-001 command to enable external system to change the system profile

  • TUN-3217 - Added support for TLS 1.2 encryption and authentication to ICD-001 plugin

  • TUN-3200 - Added system profile status report which can inform external systems when the system profile changes

  • TUN-3204 - Added an area status report which can inform external systems when any of the area states have changed

  • TUN-3202 - Added new area status information to the ICD-001 status report

  • TUN-3199 - Added new system profile status information to the ICD-001 status report

  • TUN-3187 - Added a new Adaptive Speed check for Speed Rules. This allows slow vehicles to be identified, not based on an absolute speed, but instead based on their speed falling a specified level below the mean speed of other traffic

  • TUN-3165 - Added a 3rd property check to all carriageway rules, enabling a total of 3 track parameters to be checked as part of the rule logic. As with the other checks, this third check operates as an additional AND check

  • TUN-3216 - Added new permission option to control whether user roles can clear alarms

  • TUN-3183 - Added new permission option to control whether user roles can acknowledge alarms but also added user account permission to override role permission so specific users can be given acknowledge rights if required

  • TUN-3133 - Added new user role permission to control whether the Playback tab is visible to the user

  • Updated the MongoDb version to V4.0

  • TUN-3248 - Added new Integration Test Client application


  • TUN-3163 - Improved the classification selection logic so you can now select multiple classifications when using classification filtering on a rule. This includes the ability to select unclassified alongside one or more other classifications

  • TUN-3166 - Added the option to use a channel filter on a carriageway rule. This allows rules to work with specific channels, i.e. Debris, without relying on classification. Default is 0 (zero) which means all channels

  • TUN-2830 - Improved the Where Used links to show the correct relationships to radar and tracking parameters

  • TUN-3130 - Improved system alarm translations to cover built in alarm descriptions not previously covered

  • TUN-3182 - Added camera group behaviour description to each camera group

  • TUN-3172 - Added proper validation to the property selection drop down on the carriageway rules

  • TUN-3250 - Improved classification selection

  • TUN-3268 - Added UI notification when ICD-001 requests camera override

  • TUN-3269 - Enabled Helvellyn main window resizing from any edge

  • TUN-3209 - Adjusted camera logic so a 0s dwell time will prevent the camera returning home

  • TUN-3244 - Added ability to playback tracks with non sensor source types (i.e. IFF and Drone)


  • TUN-3198 - Fixed an issue with camera lock where, in specific conditions, the lock failed and the camera moved home after the dwell period

  • TUN-3218 - Fixed issue where user settings were not correctly reflecting the state of the background image after using the import wizard

  • TUN-3219 - Improved the image size check when importing a large background image so it reports a more sensible error message

  • TUN-3161 - Fixed an issue that caused the UI to hang if there were no camera plugins installed and a user tried to add a camera

  • TUN-3168 - Fixed an issue when resetting the system to defaults and restoring a backup which caused a number of database duplicate entry errors

  • TUN-3164 - Fixed an issue where for specific non-English locales, the alarm break count data graph was not being displayed correctly

  • TUN-3158 - Fixed an issue where the Enabled checkbox was being deselected / selected on the carriageway rule areas list when a row was being selected - even when not in edit mode

Note that due to the database upgrade, this version must only be installed after upgrading to V4.3.0

When using tracker version it is now required to enable TLS support on each radar for secure tracker communication

Related Information

Safety is everything.