ClearWay™ V4.0.x Release Notes

ClearWay™ V4.0.x Release Notes


These release notes cover Clearway V4.0 and above.


Version 4.0.7 Build 321 - 20 July 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue with date time recording on sightings with radars sending bad NTP times

  • TUN-2172 -  Fixed Scheduled backups do not appear to work


  • TUN-2155 - Add ability to limit number of sightings recorded for a very long living track so that we continue to record but never exceed an agreed limit.

There is hard recording limit of 2050 sightings for each track. For standard tracks this is adequate and should only be exceeded by stationary tracks which are held for long periods. For tracks being held on the debris channel an additional movement filter is used, so if tracks do not move between sightings then the most recent sighting will not be recorded. This logic only applies after the first 100 sightings have been stored. The last sighting is always recorded to ensure we have an accurate start and end time for the track.

Version 4.0.6 Build 310 - 11 July 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed track holding not working correctly. Changing the holding multiplier will now correctly configure the holding process.

Version 4.0.6 Build 304 - 13 June 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed Camera Controller service installing when not required.

To stop warnings related to the camera controller ensure the system has had all machines upgraded to this version and then remove the Camera Controllers from the database:

In RoboMongo use the following to filter out all of the camera controllers and then delete the documents: db.getCollection('Entities').find({_t:/CameraController/})

Then restart the Management Server to ensure that the Camera Controllers are purged from the health system

Version 4.0.6 Build 301 - 30 May 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Updated ICD-006 to populate large vehicle and vehicle stats data even when not using Traffic Analysis (as required in Bomlafjord)

  • Fixed ICD-006 based on the use of relevant track count and also default section stats using the classification registers

  • Fixed playback date and time controls to use local time for display


  • TUN-1979 - Playback, allow end time to be start time, if the date portion allows it

The ICD-006 (Modbus) specification document has been updated to reflect that change to normal section count data. All counts, regardless of whether being provided by the Traffic Analysis plugin or the normal traffic statistics are sub-divided into Vehicle and Large Vehicle counts. Note that due to the way in which normal section stats work, large vehicles are counted as Large Vehicle but the Vehicle classification includes all other vehicles, debris and unclassified tracks.

Version 4.0.5 Build 298 - 11 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed login timeout check not stopping in Situational Awareness UI causing video to stop playing

  • Fixed drop behaviour of radars in Situational Awareness UI

Version 4.0.5 Build 296 - 27 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed handling of connections to onboard/remote trackers


  • Use improved Highways Splash Screen

Version 4.0.5 Build 294 - 25 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Added handling of bad network messages from tracker crashing Track Engine

  • Added better handling of errors sending configuration to trackers


  • Add support for rebooting the EPU/Onboard EPU from UI

Version 4.0.5 Build 292 - 19 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error when changing between Channel 1/2 and Debris channel processed data not taking effect unless switching from Raw/Clutter Maps

Version 4.0.5 Build 291 - 19 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error in handling different integration periods per carriageway for Traffic Analysis

Version 4.0.5 Build 290 - 18 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Improve Reset Public Key handling


  • Fixed animation on radars so it honours the enable animations setting

Version 4.0.5 Build 288 - 18 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed tracker restart connection handling

Version 4.0.5 Build 287 - 18 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error in handling connection timeout for tracker and video server connections

Version 4.0.5 Build 286 - 18 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error in handling connections between VideoServer/Tracker and TE

  • Fixed issue with Contour area not saving correctly and changed the default area size so its no longer created outside the range of radar

  • Fixed speed unit not working on traffic analysis


  • Changed Y Axis label from Count to Total

Version 4.0.5 Build 284 - 17 April 2018

Tracker Release Notes

New Feature

  • TUN-1832 - Added search and filter functions to the Topology panel

  • TUN-1828 - Queue colour can now be set to a different value other than amber

  • TUN-1828 - Enable Animations now also determines whether an animation should be used when a section goes into queue or alarm

  • TUN-1831 - Added tool tip to show radar name in topology

  • TUN-1764 - Added area covered property to track sightings so that they can be used in rules


  • Greatly improved the performance of taking a large carriageway in and out of edit mode

  • TUN-1848 - Improved performance of editing Areas

  • TUN-1814 - Improved tracking area selection so that only areas that have not already been allocated are shown

  • TUN-1775 - Improved connection handling of Remote/On Board Trackers

  • TUN-1819 - Made the OPC CSV output an optional setting with no output by default. This will help overcome issues where applications viewing the CSV file (i.e. Excel) will lock the file and prevent the OPC plugin from starting

  • TUN-1855 - Improved the logic for handling client port allocation for radar data


  • TUN-1860 - Fixed an issue for carriageway statistics reports where looking at more than 2 hours of data caused no data to be displayed

  • Changed ICD-001 Size Classification Report to use local time

  • Improved the average speed calculation for Traffic Analysis to provide a more accurate summary

  • Fixed TrafficAnalysis query to ensure the scale is created correctly and the graphs redraw correctly when repeating the same query

Version 4.0.4 Build 264 - 12 March 2018


  • Fix error when having removed a carriagway node and then cancelling the edit caused and exception

Version 4.0.4 Build 263 - 12 March 2018


  • Fix ATI and Lost reports not showing data reliably

Version 4.0.4 Build 261 - 09 March 2018

Tracker Release Notes

New Feature

  • Added ability to change the classification key in SA to be language dependent

  • Added the ability to hide or show the radar name and date/time in the SA On Screen Display (OSD)


  • Non-integer numbers will now be correctly formatted during edits


  • Fixed incorrect handling of Partial tracking areas

  • Fixed incorrect handling of Exclusion tracking areas

  • Fixed issue where areas would incorrectly update during edit

Version 4.0.4 Build 255 - 07 March 2018

Tracker Release Notes

New Feature

  • TUN-1676 - Added Traffic Analysis Query

  • TUN-1655 - Added Radar Range Lines display option 

  • TUN-1717 - Added CTS-175 to Highways Radars.

  • TUN-1760 - Added option to separately display Vehicle and Large Vehicle counts in ICD-006

  • TUN-1749 - Added ability to automatically create points of interest along the side of a carriageway

  • New Highways users will have animations disabled by default


  • Improved handling of number fields with decimal points

  • TUN-1748 - Added warning icon and text to remind users to change the origin during site Config

  • TUN-1627 - Added option to set bi-directional lanes within carriageway wizard

  • Added visual creation hints to carriageway wizard to show direction and carriageway position

  • TUN-1682 - Updated setup to install Verisign root cert for all options

  • TUN-1725 - Only show filter commands for Virtual areas if enabled on CW

  • TUN-1770 - Default sorting for radar list in clutter floor scheduler

  • TUN-1763 - Add label visibility display options

  • Added option to allow RTSP network mode to be selectable from UI. This enables the SA video server to operate on Windows 7 and Windows 10 by selecting a compatible network protocol.


  • Fixed issue where the User Id of the lane was not being reported correctly in alarm descriptions and via ICD-001

  • Fixed UI to correctly show tracks in an area 100 km square around site origin

  • Fixed issue an with Open Street Map where an edge tile was missing at high zoom

  • Fixed issue where deleting a node broke the carriageway editing

  • Fixed the default backup schedule name to make it consistent with non-scheduled names

  • TUN-1756 - Fixed an error when a restore of a database was initiated

  • TUN-1741 - Increased the minimum size of main window to stop controls disappearing underneath border when window resized to minimum

  • TUN-1769 - Fixed issue where the scroll bar was missing from the radar list in the capture clutter floor schedule

Version 4.0.3 Build 239 - 23 January 2018

Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-1638 - Added a dynamic zoom label which will display whilst the main PPI is being zoomed to show the current zoom level


  • TUN-1719 - Added a minor delay to the node dragging logic when editing a carriageway to prevent nodes jumping when selected. This behaviour appears to be hardware dependent, however adding a delay has improved reliability across all tested platforms.

  • TUN-1718 - Disabled the Update Contour option when there is no contour area present for the selected radar.

  • TUN-1721 - Fixed the point filter which is available during a carriageway edit so that Virtual Area points are only visible when they are selected or all points are being displayed.

  • TUN-1722 - Fixed a minor issue where the point filter was not resetting properly when coming in and out of edit on the carriageway.

  • TUN-1723 - Fixed an issue which caused the section selection not to function properly during a carriageway edit. Also fixed the properties panel so it does not show the wrong the section number when adding a new one.

  • TUN-1691 - Fixed the message text associated with contour updates.

  • TUN-1692 - Fixed the text associated with creating clutter floor capture schedules. It was inconsistent depending on whether it was a global setting or created from a selected radar. 

  • TUN-1693 - Added the unit for resolution in the playback source configuration settings.

  • Fixed an indexing issue which meant that removing the first node on a carriageway would cause exceptions when carrying out other operations on the same carriageway. 

  • Changed the Auto-Section dialog to use an Apply button instead of a Save button. This dialog does not trigger a save and the process can be rolled back by cancelling the carriageway edit.

  • Fixed an issue which, in specific circumstances, was preventing users adding additional carriageway nodes during an edit.

  • Fixed an issue which was causing an exception when enabling and disabling group entities from their parent folder.

  • Added protection during the start up process to ensure actions against entities are sequenced to avoid conflict as they are loaded.

Version 4.0.3 Build 235 - 23 January 2018

Tracker Release Notes

New features

  • Added a new tracker version reporting and checking feature. On supported radar this will detect and report the current on-board tracker version and compare it against the required version. It will indicate if there is a mismatch.

  • All applications and plugins are now digitally signed using Navtech Radar's approved certificate. In addition, plugins and software modules are checked during start up and will be rejected if not signed correctly. In most cases this will result in the software not starting. This is a safety and security feature to ensure only approved code which has not been changed is used.


  • The installer will now automatically install the Comodo root certificate. This supports the certificate checking on systems with no internet access.

  • Moved the local tracker port to 65100 to avoid conflict with the Nvidia graphics driver software.

  • TUN-1651 - Increased the default edit lock timeout to 5 minutes and added the option as a configurable parameter to the system settings.

  • TUN-1620TUN-1656TUN-1654TUN-1653TUN-1652 - Several minor UI improvements including better labels, data validation and updating appropriate units.

  • TUN-1660 - Improved the style on lists to make it easier to read selected items.

  • TUN-1623 - Improved OpenStreetMap panning and resize performance.

  • TUN-1647 - Improved logging when the Management Server is unable find the database on launch.

  • TUN-1639 - Improved the alarm query so updated alarms replace older instances of the same alarm in the results when the search is re-run.


  • Fixed issue with verifying digital signatures by including the relevant root certificates with the application.

  • Fixed error where opening online help in the Edge browser from the UI generated a (trapped) error.

  • Fixed error where changing the tracker source type (i.e. playback & network) more than once caused the tracker to stop working.

  • TUN-1650 - Fixed issue where the name and user Id were not being saved in new system profiles

Version 4.0.2 Build 217 - 17 January 2018

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-1587 - Added support for UDP Unicast Auto Discovery as part of the fail-over / resilience features

  • TUN-1561 - Added support for adding a scaled background image to the client UI display

  • TUN-1549 - Added the ATI suppression parameters to V4

  • TUN-1222 - Added option to configure password complexity requirements which are used when changing passwords or creating new users

  • Add support for carriageway rules to check the minimum distance a track has moved along a carriageway before breaking the rule

  • TUN-1572 - Added ability to change system profiles using a schedule

  • TUN-1418 - Added updated large vehicle default classification

  • Anti-tamper feature added to software to detect broken or damaged installations

  • TUN-1589 - UI module timeout is now modifiable via the UI

  • TUN-1600 - Added ability to search for tracks based on distance traveled and area covered

  • Updated MongoDB server to 3.6.2 which includes a number of new features to help with heavy loads, such as over-the-wire compression


  • TUN-1529 - Fixed issue where users and engineers could not use action menu on carriageway. Fixed permissions so only admins can create rules and profiles and only allow admins can delete rules and profiles

  • TUN-1544 - Fixed zoom button origin when the display is not rotated

  • TUN-1553 - Fixed reliability issue when selecting section allocation on the radar. This was prevalent when deleting the related CW

  • TUN-1576 - Ensured alarm messages are only sent to clients which register for them

  • TUN-1606 - Fixed issue where TrackEngine backup setting was not updating when modified on another UI

  • TUN-1628 - Fixed issue which prevented alarm descriptions containing curly brackets

  • TUN-1630 - Fixed issue where TE did not reconnect to on-board tracker after config IP was changed to match radar IP

  • Fixed issue where lane filtering on alarm queries was not working


  • TUN-1525 - Significantly simplified edit lock behaviour and added a edit lock icon to the UI

  • Many minor improvements to the resilience logic to make auto discovery and fail-over more reliable for both Unicast and Multicast

  • TUN-1534 - Removed new and copy options from entities if the user is not administrator

  • TUN-1528 - Restricted changing of user roles to just administrators and prevented administrators from changing their own role

  • TUN-1523 - Added ability for entity folders to cascade common properties changes, such as visibility, to child elements

  • TUN-1542 - Improved the ruler and mouse location display

  • TUN-1526 - improved the layout of the user settings to make them easier to edit

  • TUN-1571 - Ensured the radar allocation mode "Nearest" is the default for ClearWay (CW global defaults & TA settings)

  • TUN-1604 - Added ability to set the section length in the new Carriageway Wizard

  • TUN-1619 - Ensured the licence id is removed when removing the tracker licence via the UI

  • TUN-1584 - Added user setting to support the configuration of the new background image feature

  • TUN-1626 - Added units to the distance separator in the new Radar wizard

  • TUN-1625 - Ensured the CW separation distance is only visible / enabled when dual carriageway is selected on the first page of the CW wizard

  • TUN-1624 - Ensured the virtual detection and debris zones are enabled by default in the CW wizard

  • TUN-1635 - Added units to track size in config and updated alarm in db when state changes (e.g. from warning -> unhealthy)

Version 4.0.1 Build 173 - 08 December 2017

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Added support for showing OpenStreetMap as background

  • Added ruler to user interface to enable measuring of distance and angles

  • Added locate command to radar mini control

  • Added version number to Situational Awareness login window

  • Added updated large vehicle default classification


  • TUN-1504 - Ensured sections are always allocated to radars as long as radar covers section

  • TUN-1541 - Multiple classification of same type no longer causes Track Engine to crash

  • Track handling in ICD-001 now works correctly

  • Ensure classification configurations are correctly updated in Track Engines in the topology tab


  • Handle Track Engine isolation not causing a disconnect from radars after a period of time

  • Handle losing virtual network connections in Track Engine

Version 4.0.1 Build 165 - 24 November 2017

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Initial Release of Witness 4.0 ClearWay™

  • Witness 4.0 is a ground-up re-design of the ClearWay™ Automatic Incident Detection solution to provide a fully redundant, scalable system with enhanced detection performance and improved reporting capabilities.

  • The key new features and improvements are:

    • Re-developed to support a highly flexible modular design with built-in licencing so customers can select the features they need and new options and capabilities can be added with ease.

    • Fully distributed and scalable architecture which allows a single installation to support many radar and work over large areas.

    • Incorporates secure, lightweight, real-time communications ensuring the system that can scale to support large sites yet still detect and report incidents without delay.

    • Designed from the outset to support full redundancy across the entire software application. The system is designed to self-heal automatically ensuring minimal downtime.

    • Improved configuration and setup making it quicker and easier to setup and commission sites.

    • Completely revamped traffic analysis offering much improved real-time statistics.

    • Enhanced queue detection with much simpler configuration.

    • New radar to section allocation mode which ensures the traffic statistics are not distorted in areas where radar overlap.

    • New, cleaner and more intuitive user interface designed with ClearWay™ configuration and operation in mind.

    • New user interface features, including real-time traffic information, better logging and much improved track display.

    • New reporting and data analysis capabilities, including the ability to do deep-dives on alarms to explore break counts and directly related track data.

    • New Situational Awareness capability which offers the ability to receive track and radar data via a standard H264 video feed, just like CCTV. This enables operators to treat the radar like a camera and provide visibility of incidents even in difficult conditions where normal cameras are no longer of use.

    • New client application for Situational Awareness that provides operators the ability to view the video feed from one or more radar.

    • Improved classification logic which now includes the ability to analyse and visually edit the classification in real-time.

    • Automated configuration backup facility along with the ability to restore a full system setup via the client application.

    • New Carriageway Empty reporting facility which will reliably report when a carriageway or tunnel bore is empty of all traffic. This can greatly improve the efficiency of traffic control, especially when implementing contra-flow or closing a tunnel bore.

    • New online documentation system which is linked directly to the software so users can easily find the relevant help.

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