ClearWay™ V4.3.x Release Notes

ClearWay™ V4.3.x Release Notes


These release notes cover Clearway V4.3 and above.


Version 4.3.0 Build 587 - 17 October 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Ensure carriageway mode is correctly set after system startup in ICD-006

Version 4.3.0 Build 561 - 25 September 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Improved performance of Carriageway Wizard

Version 4.3.0 Build 556 - 18 September 2019

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • Added ICD-001 external trigger command

  • TUN-3127 - Added sorting options to Area selections based on name


  • Fixed missing Rule User Id on ICD-001

  • Fixed silence button on alarms not working correctly

  • TUN-3102 - Scaling is not working as expected when when we lose connection to the Service

  • Fixed user settings requiring a restart of the management server to apply correctly

Version 4.3.0 Build 552 - 13 September 2019

Tracker Release Notes

New Features

  • TUN-2999 - Added new rule suppression feature that allows one ClearWay alarm to suppress selected rules (and alarms) within the same section. This feature is dependent on order therefore consideration should be given to break allowances on rules if trying to influence the order of alarm activation

  • TUN-2933 - Added support for analogue PelcoD cameras using AXIS range of encoders

  • TUN-2959 - Added support for a manual camera lock using the PPI right mouse button context menu. This allows an indefinite dwell on the selected position assuming there are no automatic targets to track

  • TUN-2793 - Added an alarm warning notification if the Use Floor option is enabled without a captured floor file being present

  • TUN-2955 - Added the ability to configure the UI streaming window to be hidden whilst streaming is active. This enables additional PPI windows to be configured specifically for streaming and then hidden so the operator can not adjust them

  • TUN-3095 - Added the ability to set a zoom factor per camera for different classifications. This would, for example, enable the system to back off the zoom when tracking large targets such as planes or large vehicles.

  • TUN-3090 - Added new optional latitude and longitude mouse position display in PPI. This is disabled by default but can be enabled in the user settings.


  • TUN-2941 - Significant improvement to the Configuration Tree to restrict certain folders to specific types of configuration objects and to prevent unwanted objects being moved to system folders

  • TUN-2942 - Added visual filtering to the Configuration Tree so only visual items are displayed in the tree when not in configuration mode

  • Improved the New object list by filtering content based on selected Configuration Tree folder

  • TUN-2977 - Added a configurable hard limit for acknowledged alarms list so it does not grow indefinitely

  • TUN-3002 - Improved the auto-creation of alarm exclusion zones to allow it to be drawn around one or more tracks. So if several tracks are selected from the track query results the new area will be drawn to cover all points from the selected tracks

  • TUN-3006 - Improved translations to include more system level messages

  • TUN-3039 - Added additional data to ClearWay tracks so carriageway data can be included in ICD-001 alarm and track reports

  • TUN-3075 - Added the track life duration to the track history dialog

  • TUN-3078 - Improved the track history label positioning to help align it with its track path

  • TUN-3079 - Added an interactive transparency to the track history labels to ensure they are only fully opaque when selected. This makes them less obtrusive when there are lots on the PPI

  • TUN-3109 - Added radar User Id to the radar group read-only panel

  • TUN-3111 - Added the ability to search for alarms using the alarm Id

  • TUN-3101 - Added Locate button to the track history dialog

  • TUN-3103 - Added an absolute movement control to Kelder to allow the camera to be moved more easily during camera calibrations

  • Added the ability to search for tracks by numeric track Id

  • Updated the zoom calibration on the Bosch MIC 7000 series. The new calibration provides a much better automatic zoom

  • Prevented the user from exiting configuration mode whilst an object is being edited

  • Fixed an issue where the folder enable / disable control was not disabling all sub-items correctly

  • Added ability to export security alarms from the search result list. Added Alarm Id to alarm export CSV

  • Changed maximum length of the radar name from 10 to 20 characters

  • Changed date/time to local for alarm and track CSV exports

  • Added the RuleId to alarms in ICD-001

  • Added panel control option to user permissions

  • Added camera lock option to user permissions

  • Changed the default user permissions so that users cannot adjust map / image opacity


  • TUN-3000 - Fixed an issue where tracks were not being displayed accurately on their reported position within the UI

  • TUN-3001 - Fixed issue where Highways Log query was not showing a total in the tab header

  • TUN-3004 - Fixed issue where Chinese characters were not being processed correctly by the CSV export

  • TUN-3049 - Fixed an issue that required users to restart the UI after making a change to the radar data distribution settings

  • TUN-3069 - Fixed Z order on track history labels to ensure they remain on top

  • TUN-3077 - Fixed the dynamic history line complexity logic so history track paths are shown with the appropriate level of complexity

  • TUN-3110 - Fixed a display issue where radar were not centrally aligned within their Track Engine container

  • TUN-3129 - Fixed an issue where the radar mini-control is not always being displayed when the radar is being edited

  • Fixed an issue with Axis camera models where the selected model did not match the underlying driver

  • Numerous UI optimisations and minor fixes to improve the user experience

Version 4.3.0 Build 536 - 31 July 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed problem with all 360 Vision Cameras being Onvif and not Vision 360 protocol

Version 4.3.0 Build 535 - 30 July 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed issue where a bad backup file would cause all backup files to not load

  • Fixed issue when database goes away causing the MS to crash

Version 4.3.0 Build 534 - 24 July 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Improved loading of large background images on slower computers

Version 4.3.0 Build 531 - 18 July 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • Fixed error when importing background images

  • Fixed missing null check to User Settings that could cause the UI to not load

Version 4.3.0 Build 530 - 08 July 2019

Tracker Release Notes


  • TUN-2935 - Fixed when using the CW Highways Log query panel, the Carriageway drop down can become permanently disabled

  • TUN-2938 - Added missing title text for Database Restore dialog

  • Added icon to Test Email button

  • TUN-2939 - Only show retention days if the backup being restored contains alarms

  • TUN-2958 - Fixed creation of track exclusion areas from track results not immediatly populating area list with new area

  • Fixed Management Server name bug and fixed up issue with Radar Data toggle losing status

  • Fixed up Radar Data toggle button so it responds to bad radar health and also a Track Engine being shut down

  • Fixed Coasts Ratio calculation to not include Provisional sightings

  • Fixed creating tracks from track history did not create correct number of points

  • Fixed main windows missing minimise and maximise buttons on first launch with an empty configuration

  • Fixed Geo Coordinates in ICD-001 not being in the correct position

  • TUN-2974 - Fixed slow down when creating tracker parameters and having a lot of radars

  • Fixed pending acknowledge list not clearing colour in tab when list empty

  • Fixed memory leak with alarm lists

New Features

  • Added Chinese translation files and added register methods for all relevant projects

  • TUN-2966 - Added language selection to installer

  • TUN-2951 - Added ability to edit alarm acknowledge option list

  • TUN-2904 - Added SMS integration plugin

  • TUN-2978 - Added in optional colour picker for disarmed areas if disarmed pattern not chosen

  • TUN-2957 - Added sytem and audit log playback queries

  • TUN-2975 - Implement user permission to allow toggle of layer


  • Removed configuration tab and replaced with configuration mode control user can press Ctrl+Alt+C to toggle mode

  • TUN-2940 - Improved behavior for list views to ensure select all selects all items even if not displayed

  • TUN-2927 - Ensured acknowledgement of alarms is now supported fully

  • Improved the alarm history dialog to show acknowledgement details if any

  • TUN-2529 - Added rotation logic and handling for Carriageways

  • TUN-2529 - Change default rotation delta to 1 degree from 5 degrees

  • TUN-2925 - Updated camera wizard to filter cameras by manufacturer

  • TUN-2918 - Ensure that when the first pending acknowledge alarm is selected when the tab is selected or if selected and the first alarm appears

  • TUN-2956 - Removed Auto Silence as feature is no longer required due to changes to Auto Acknowledge behaviour

  • Allow 0.01 as the smallest change in angle on the TIlt and Pan offset controls

  • TUN-2964 - Added radar name and user Id to text log output when the TrackerManager is starting a local tracker or connecting to onboard

  • TUN-2965 - Ensure the Management Server is using translations for Notifications, Entity Audits and System Logs

  • TUN-2967 - Added command line option to change user interface language

  • TUN-2944 - Added health statusto Topology tabs

  • TUN-2952 - Added a confirmation dialog when a user clicks the user settings reset button

  • Ensured that when radar model changes the contour map is deleted

  • Changed to using Ctrl+Alt+P to output performance counters in services running in console mode

  • Ensure playback tracks are created centred around the screen with three points

  • Ensured only adminstrators can create playback tracks from the track history

  • Ensured there is consistent behaviour with configuration mode on the topology view

  • TUN-2919 - Improve Highways E-Mail plugin and merge functionality with Security

  • When Per Track Alarm option used the system will report the position of the track not the section centroid

  • TUN-2156 - Added simple method to simplify track history line points

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