


This section covers the concept of Folders within the Configuration Tree, and the purpose of grouping entities as Folders in certain functions.



Folders and sub-folders are the entities with the Configuration Tree. A folder is essentially an individual sub-section of the Configuration Tree.

Managing Folders

When Witness is first installed it creates a number of default folders including default configuration entities. These system folders cannot be deleted or moved, however new folders can be created under any of the top level system folders. Non-system folders can be deleted however they must be empty.

You can create new entities, such as areas, by selecting the folder you want to store the area in and once in configuration mode, selecting the New button. When creating new entities in a folder, you will only be given the option of entities which are allowed in the selected folder.

Some objects are limited to specific system folders, for example users, however other objects, such as areas, can be created in several different folders. Entities and entire folders, including their contents, can be easily dragged to other folders. However the same rules apply, you will not be allowed to drag items into system folders where they are not supported.

Folder Functions

It may be desirable to quickly configure an entire group of entities at once, i.e. disable all Areas at once. For this purpose, there are the Folder functions: Enable and Show, which are located in the Configuration Control.


The Enable Children toggle changes whether all entity folders are enabled (active; switched 'on') or disabled (inactive; switched 'off') . For example:

  1. Select an entity folder.


  2. Toggle the Enable Children slider from the 'tick' graphic ✔ to the 'stop' graphic 🛇.


  3. All entities within the entity folder will now be disabled. 

Not all entities can be disabled. 


The Show Children toggle changes whether all entity children are visible or hidden on the PPI Display. For example:

  1. Select an entity folder.


  2. Toggle the Show Children slider from the 'eye' graphic 👁 to the 'anti-eye' graphic 👁 :


  3. All entities within that entity folder will now be invisible.

With ‘eye’ graphic set to be visible:

With ‘eye’ graphic set to be invisible:

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