Contour Area


The section covers the Clutter Map and the Clutter Floor: their definitions, purposes and how to create a Clutter Floor. 



The Clutter Map is a record of static, unchanging objects that are within view of the radar sensor. Clutter Maps are created and used as reference points for radar sensors and their trackers so that they can better concentrate on objects that are moving. The creation and maintenance of the Clutter Map is an automatic process and is continually updated whilst the software is in operation.

However, a Clutter Floor is required to overcome the limitations of a Clutter Map. On busy highways, large vehicles can obscure the background scene which prevents the Clutter Map updating correctly. Manually capturing a Clutter Floor sets a base line for the Clutter Map which is maintained even when the radar has limited visibility. 

For a new installation you need to create a new Clutter Floor for each radar sensor. During operation, it may be necessary to periodically update each Clutter Floor to take account of major changes in the environment, e.g. long term road works, significant changes to trees and hedgerows. 


The radar processes raw data far beyond the carriageway area, and this data is superfluous. Therefore, by creating a Contour Area, you prevent the steaming of unnecessary data.

It is important to create a Contour Area because it has a dramatic impact on data bandwidth usage: an estimated 80% saving. 

Creating a Contour Area

There are two ways to create or edit a Contour Area:

Drawing the Contour Area

  1. Click on the Radar Group in the Configuration Tree, then on the radar Settings button in the Configuration Panel to enable the Radar Group settings panel:


  2. Click on Edit and this will open the Radar Mini Control:


  3. Select Radar Data and then select Raw from the Source menu, and the raw data will appear on the PPI:


  4. Return to the Radar Group settings panel and select Contour ☰:


  5. Select Create Contour:


  6. For the first time that you create a Contour Area an Add Contour Area wizard will appear:


  7. This will allow you to quickly apply an appropriate sized contour area by adjusting the shape, width and length of the area, if you know the size in advance. If you do not know the size then don’t worry. Click OK:


  8. A Contour Area plot will appear around the radar on the PPI display:


  9. Use the standard Ctrl+Click+Drag and node manipulation: to fit the Contour Area to the carriageway:


  10. Once you are finished, select Save on the Radar Group settings panel.

  11. Next, select the Contour ☰, and select Update Contour:


  12. The raw data will now be cropped to the Contour Area, indicated by the dashed orange perimeter.


  13. If you wish to adjust the Contour Area, select Edit on the Radar Group settings window, and the plotting nodes will once more become available. Always Update Contour after any adjustments.

  14. To revert back to the entire circle of raw data, select Clear Contour, under Contour 

The Contour Area Wizard will only be displayed if a Contour Area has not already been created, or if the existing Contour Area has been deleted.


the following video demonstrates how to create, save and update a Contour Area manually:

Inputting the Contour Area Co-Ordinates

  1. Follow steps 1 - 6.

  2. On the Radar Settings window, select the Contour Area dropdown.

  3. The co-ordinates for the default Contour Area plot will be listed in a nodes' co-ordinates table. 


  4. Select a row, then type into the X and Y columns to edit the position of the Contour Area plot nodes.

  5. You will need to use the standard node manipulation on the PPI to create a new row of node co-ordinates. 

  6. Select Save, then Update Contour

You cannot edit the Contour Area if the Source Type is Playback

Related Information


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