Site Configuration Settings

Site Configuration Settings


Your site was initially configured during the setup process, which is documented here for ClearWay™: Site Configuration, here for AdvanceGuard®: Site Config and here for Sea360®:https://navtechradar.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TUN/pages/2878963928.

This page covers editing these settings and others within the site configuration panel.


Accessing the Site Configuration Settings

To access the site configuration settings:

  1. Select the site name on the Configuration Tree, which is the master folder of the Entity Tree (e.g. the site, Navtech Demo, as illustrated below):


  2. The site settings will then be displayed in the Configuration Panel:


Site Name: The name of the area under surveillance or the carriageway's position or site. This could be geographic.

Customer Name: Business or personal name associated with the customer/user.

Customer Reference: The reference applied to the customer by Navtech Radar Ltd. or a suitable name or number unique to this project, e.g. CRN0001.

Integrator Name: Name of person/company setting up the site, typically the system integrator.

Latitude/Longitude: The location of the site's origin. The origin is an arbitrary point within the site that can be identified on a map e.g. a building, stationary construction, signage. Once you have chosen an origin, it functions as a point of location reference for all other objects identified on the site.

Distribution Settings

Address: This should be an IP address on the User Interface client computer that the trackers can send data to.

Base Port: The starting UDP Port for Radar Data video distribution. Each radar where video data is activated will use a unique port number, starting from Base Port + 1.

Radar Show Limit: How many radars that can show video data concurrently. This is limited to control the bandwidth used at any given time. This is by default 3.

Quality: The quality of the radar data video. The higher the quality, the greater the definition when zooming in. However, higher quality radar data video requires greater network bandwidth.





Min. Logging Level:






Site Notes

This area shows the notes that have been recorded by customers and integrators, typically about setup and configuration changes. It is not editable here. please refer to Notes for more information.

Background Image

For further information, visit the Adding a Background Image page.

Radar Detection Area Setup

For further information, visit the Creating a Detection Area page.

Site Export

Site Export is a feature only available in ClearWay™. It allows you to export the Radars, Areas and Carriageways as GeoJSON, which is a Geo Spatial standard that can be imported into other tools to visualise the site.

To perform a Site Export:

  1. Click on the Site Export button:


  2. This will open the Site Export dialogue:


  3. You can then select to include Areas, Radars, Contour Areas and Carriageways in the export file by selecting the relevant check boxes. The file will be exported to the location specified. Clicking the Browse button will give you the option to change this location.

  4. Once you are happy with your selection click OK. You will receive a notification:


  5. The file will then be available in the specified location as in the example below:

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