Radar Settings


This section covers the basic settings available for radar.


Basic Settings


Within the Radar Group window, each Radar can be configured individually. These are the basic options for configuration:

Name: The name of the radar e.g. Radar 001.

User ID: This number uniquely links the tracker and the radar sensor to an appropriate copy of CleayWay™.

Relay ID: The ID of the Relay.

Asset Code: Your chosen code for asset tracking. If none exists, is unknown or not required, then enter any text string as a placeholder.

Serial Number: The unique serial of that radar.

Tracker Licence ID: The tracker licence identification number.

Stored Licence Present: Icon indicates licence in database.

Tracker Version: The version of tracking software programmed into the radar. A tick or cross graphic indicates if this tracking software is compatible with the latest ClearWay™ software. 

Service Date: The expiry date of the License.

Model: The radar model e.g. CTS-350X.

Layer: The layer of the PPI display on which the radar is active.

Hide: Select this to make the radar unselectable and translucent in appearance on the PPI. This allows you to simplify the clutter within the site map by concealing this item while leaving it working as usual. It can still be selected within the Configuration Tree - it will be temporarily revealed within the site map.

Distribute Tracks: Select this to display the tracks on the PPI carriageway. 

Tracker Health Allowances: Select the checkbox to enable the Tracker Health Allowances configured in the Tracker Settings: . Clearing the checkbox disables the tracker health messages.

Group: Which radar group this radar belongs to e.g. Default Radar Group.

X (m): Defines the position of the radar sensor, relative to the origin point. 

Y (m): Defines the position of the radar sensor, relative to the origin point.

Latitude: The absolute grid reference of the radar position to seven decimal places.

Longitude: The absolute grid reference of the radar position to seven decimal places.

Related Information


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