Dashboard - ClearWay™ Mobile Client

Dashboard - ClearWay™ Mobile Client


This section discusses the main aspects of the Dashboard in the ClearWay™ Mobile Client.



The Dashboard is the default lower display on the Mobile Client. It presents graphs showing Incident Alarms, System Alarms, Travel Time and the Average Speed of the traffic along the Carriageways. The graphs should update immediately when new alarms are raised.

Incident Alarms

The Incident Alarms donut chart displays the number of incidents that have occurred over the selected period. The chart is broken down into carriageways allowing you to see at a glance how many alarms have been given per carriageway. Hovering over a section of the chart will display a popup with the number of the particular type of incidents on the selected carriageway.

System Alarms

The System Alarms donut chart displays the number of system alarms given over the selected time period. Hovering over an area of the chart will display a popup with more information:

Travel Time

This graph displays the average journey travel times for each carriageway, at regular intervals during the selected period.

You can use your mouse to hover over points along the graph to display a tooltip showing the time, carriageway and average travel time for the journey:

If there are no tracks in the section, then this will show a travel time of 0 unless a Speed Limit has been configured, and it will use this value instead. Please refer to Carriageway Profiles for more information.

Average Speed

This graph displays the average speed in m/s for each carriageway, at regular intervals during the selected period. Hovering your mouse over points along the graph will display a tooltip showing the time, carriageway, time and average speed at that point of the journey:

Time Frame

By default, this display covers 24 hours, but you can also select a period of 1, 48 or 72 hours by selecting the desired time frame:

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