AdvanceGuard® Alarm Queries
The alarm queries provide critical information on alarms that have been generated in AdvanceGuard® and Sea360®.
Alarm Locations
This query will determine the location of any alarms within the time period and record limitations. The results are depicted as squares in the detection area.
Colour: This determines the colour of the square icons that represent alarm locations on the PPI Display.
False Alarms
This query will determine the location of any false alarms within the time period and record limitations. The results are depicted as squares in the detection area.
Area Covered (m): Click on the monochrome symbol before the numeric box in order to toggle between None 🛇, Greater Than or Equal To ≥ , and Less Than or Equal To ≤ qualifiers. ≥ or ≤ must be selected if a value is input.
Colour: This determines the colour of the square icons that represent false alarms on the PPI Display.
Alarm Query
This query will determine whether any incident alarms were raised within selected parameters. The query can both determine the position of an incident alarm, and which rule(s) were broken if an incident alarm had been raised. This query, like all, is still subject to time period and record limitation. The results are displayed on the PPI as a red circular icon, and as graphs of alarm activity in the results panel. The variables are decided by the following categories:
Areas: You may select multiple areas to query at once.
Rules: You may select multiple rules to query at once.
User Groups: You may select multiple user groups to query at once.
Radars: You may select multiple radar to query at once.
Analysis Status: Select All or individual alarms.
Select Severity: Select the checkbox to enable the list of severity options to choose from if you wish to select a particular type:
Alarm Query
The results of an Alarm Query are displayed as a list in the Results panel:
🔴🔊: The severity of the alarm will be represented through a colour-coded circular icon. A speaker icon determines whether the alarm is audible.
ID: Unique alphanumeric identification assigned to each track.
Description: The type and location of the alarm.
Created: When the alarm first sounded.
Cleared: When the alarm was cleared.
Acknowledged: When the alarm was manually acknowledged by a user.
Acknowledgment Status: This is the Status of the Alarm Acknowledgement as selected by the operator; e.g. Unknown, Intruder, Friend etc.
Locate: Select this icon to shift the PPI Display and until the selected track's location is visible and zoomed in on.
History: Select this icon to open the Track Details window
Status: Change the status to draw specific attention to the track, and save from default track data culling.
Breaking Tracks: This will display all the tracks on the map that triggered or contributed to the alarm. Each track can analysed in detail to examine exactly when and why the alarm was raised.
Acknowledgement Notes: This will display any Acknowledgement Notes that have been added by an operator.
Incident Report: Select this icon to display the Incident Report.
On the top left of the Track Query panel there is the Export icon to be used with selected tracks.
Incident Report
The Incident Report lists details about the Incident and displays an Incident Map:
Incident Summary
Incident Id: Unique alphanumeric identification assigned to each Incident.
Incident Description: The type and location of the Incident.
Incident Start / Finished: The start and finish time of the Incident.
Incident Duration: The duration of the Incident..
Alarm Acknowledgment: When the alarm was manually acknowledged by a user.
Incident Acknowledgement Status: This is the Status of the Incident Acknowledgement as selected by the operator; e.g. Unknown, Intruder, Friend etc.
Incident Acknowledgement Notes: This will display any Incident Acknowledgement Notes that have been added by an operator.
Incident Map
The map will display the track of the target. It has PPI Controls to help navigate around the map display, including pan, zoom and return to the origin.
Incident Thumbnail
There is an option in the Alarm Node in the rule editor to capture an alarm snapshot: Rule Actions | Alarm. If this is enabled and the camera successfully captures a screenshot of the incident, then this will be displayed here.
ID: Unique alphanumeric identification assigned to each Target.
Classification: The classification model of the Target, e,g. Person, Small Vehicle etc.
Tag: Tags can be attached to live tracks by an operator which can then aid identifying and analysing tracks during playback at a later date.
Severity: The severity of the intrusion; e.g. unknown, friend warning or threat,
Duration: The length of time the Target was monitored.
Entry: The Area the Target entered.
Exit: The Area the Target exited.
Time: The date and time the Target was spotted.
Options: The operator can Show or Hide target labels on the Incident Map.
Print Report: This is the option to print the report.
Cancel: Select Cancel to close the Incident Report.
If the user has configured the Incident Report to display their own logo (see: System Settings | General), then the default, Navtech Radar logo will be replaced with the user’s logo:
Alarms By Time
The accumulated alarms are also labelled on the PPI Display as a red circular icon; an Alarm Icon. Individual alarms can be located by selecting their locate icon on the Alarm Query list - the PPI will jump straight to the alarm's location, and flashing, red, concentric circles will pinpoint the alarm's location.
Ctrl+Click the Alarm Icon on the PPI Display to open an Alarms window. This window displays the Alarm Details.
Every track that created an alarm in the section selected can appear on the PPI Display by selecting Breaking Tracks.
Thus, a Tracks Query has been performed within an Alarms Query.
Here is a video which covers the process of finding an alarm, opening an incident report, manipulating the PPI to select the desired view of the map
and finally, printing the report (to PDF):