Disarm Rule
A Rule Disarm Check can temporarily disable a rule for a configured period of time. For example, a technician may be sent into an Area to perform some maintenance, and they can press an external trigger to disable an alarm whilst they are doing their work. This alarm will then be enabled automatically after the configured period of time.
External Input Rule Inputs | External Input
A trigger from an external system. If no external system has been set up, a test external input can be implemented.
Time Input Rule Inputs | Time Input
How often the external input checks whether the rule should be disarmed e.g. every 1s.
Track Sighting Input Rule Inputs | Track Sighting Input
A trigger from a track; in this case as it passes through an Area.
Rule Disarm Check Rule Checks | Rule Disarm Check
Area Check Rule Checks | Area Check
Boolean Link: And Rule Checks | Boolean Link
Alarm Rule Actions | Alarm
Camera Rule Actions | Camera
PPI Example
After the Disarm Timeout has passed the alarm is raised:
The following video demonstrates how to configure a Disarm Rule. In this scenario, an external trigger pressed to disable the alarm, however, this trigger is disabled after 14s and after the 10s Disarm Timeout has passed then the alarm is given.
Related Information
Scheduled Layer Rule (Witness 4.0)
Proximity Rule (Witness 4.0)
Multiple Areas Rule (Witness 4.0)
Area Movement Rule (Witness 4.0)
Area Transition Rule (Witness 4.0)
Crowd Rule (Witness 4.0)
Enable/Disable Rule (Witness 4.0)
Schedule Rule (Witness 4.0)
Gate Rule (Witness 4.0)
Count Rule (Witness 4.0)
Area Speed Limit Rule (Witness 4.0)
Disarm Rule (Witness 4.0)
ML Classification Rule Wizard (Witness 4.0)
Area Rule with Filtered Property Check (Witness 4.0)
Automatic Colour Change (Witness 4.0)