Adding Radar

Adding Radar


This section provides an explanation on how to add radar sensors through the New Radar Wizard, and the different mode options it presents.



Within the Witness™ application, the radar represents both the radar and the software tracker which together provide the core capability of the system. Once the these components are configured correctly the system will be able to accurately detect, classify and track targets on the designated highways.

Adding New Radar

Once you have configured the site, there will be a Default Radar Group created, ready to be edited. To add new radar to the site configuration:

  1. Ensure that configuration mode is enabled: Creating and Editing Entities | Enabling Configuration Mode.

  2. In the Configuration Tree, select the appropriate Radar Group folder into which you want to add the new radar.


  3. From the Configuration Panel (by default on the right hand side of the screen), select New.

  4. The new radar wizard will now start:

    Mode: Select the mode by which you will upload your Radar Group - Basic, Auto Discover or Import File.

    Layer: Select the display layer onto which you want to create the radar. Layers

    Distance Between Radars: This is the default spacing distance between radar used to automatically position the radar when you select more than 1 radar. The first radar (or only radar if creating one) will be positioned in the centre of the PPI display. The wizard assumes you have started the process with the display approximately in the correct position for the new radar. You can move the radar's position once the wizard is complete.

    Model: The model of the radar you are adding.

    Radars to Add: The total number of radars you wish to install.

    Channel Count: How many channels you want the Tracker to have.

    Connection: The connection type and appropriate network settings.

  5. Once each radar has been updated, select Finish.

The radar will now be created, saved to the configuration and added to the PPI display. Depending on how many have been created this may take a few seconds. Once complete, each radar can be selected, edited and re-positioned if required. In addition, all the advanced options are now available for configuration.

Connection types:


This means the tracking software will be running on a PC or server, managed by the Track Engine service. Typically this means the tracking software is centralised and has to make a high bandwidth connection to the radar. You only need to provide the connection details of the radar for this connection type. Note also that the servers being used in the data centre must be sufficiently powerful enough to run the required number of trackers.

This connection type is also used for playing back radar data recordings where no radars or EPUs are required.


This means the tracking software is running is running on a remote EPU. The EPU is a small embedded single board computer which is usually located with or close to the radar. The EPU makes a high bandwidth connection to the radar but a low bandwidth connection to the rest of the software. You need to provide connection details of the EPU and the radar for this type of connection.


This means the tracking software is running on the radar sensor itself. This feature is only available with the CTS-350X version 4.0 and newer. In this setup the high bandwidth connection is inside the radar and the only a low bandwidth connection is used to link to the rest of the system. You only need to provide the connection details of the radar for this connection type.

Understanding Modes


This mode requires a manual input of all values, explained below. Once these have been determined, press Next. This display will appear:

The name and the range of the radar will have been assumed, but they can edited later. You will need to manually input the IP Address and the Port number for each radar added. The connection status can also be changed via the dropdown.

Auto Discover

This mode automatically adds radar by discovery through a discovery message sent by the radar through the network, using multicast. These messages are detected by the track engine and reported to the Witness 4.0 software. In order for this mode to work, radars must be physically installed, powered on and connected to the network.

If the radar is in secure mode, discovery broadcast is disabled.

Import from File

This mode gives you the opportunity to insert a radar group via Excel Spreadsheet saved as a Comma Separated Values file. After you choose Import from File from the top dropdown, fill out the other dropdowns before clicking Next. The 'browse files' window will then pop up, and you can select your .csv.

Your desired radar configuration should be set out like this:

This method is a reliable option if large groups of radar are being installed, as there is no limit to the number of radar that can be tabled in Excel. The results will appear in a Radar Details display screen, similar to the one above, for you to review.

For the radar to work it must be assigned to a Track Engine.

To assign a radar to a Track Engine please refer to these instructions: Allocating Radar to Track Engines.

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