Automatic Light Control


This rule demonstrates the ability to control lighting using the External Trigger actions. These actions can trigger relays if the system has been configured to use the ADAM 6060 I/O device. This configuration is based on the Area Movement Rule and combines an area check with a timer back off, which means the lights remain active for as long as a track is in the area with an additional time out if required. As soon as the track leaves the area then the timer will count down and once expired the lights will be automatically switched off.

If using the ADAM 6060 I/O device then you will need to configure and use the ADAM Plugin. The ADAM 6060 device is natively supported within Witness. The software can support more than one ADAM device therefore enabling the control of multiple external devices.



Here, if a target enters a configured area, then a time based trigger is activated, a camera follows them and three lights turn on for a set length of time (in this example, 60 seconds).



Track Sighting Input

Time Input


Classification Check

This checks that the target is a person:

Area Check

Boolean Link: And

Sets the lights to turn on for 60 seconds:


External Trigger

Three of these have been configured.



PPI Example

Here the target is approaching the configured courtyard area (encircled with an orange perimeter):

Once the target has entered the area then the trigger is activated; a security alarm notification is given, a camera follows them and the three lights will turn on for a set length of time (in this example, 60 seconds):


The following video demonstrates how to configure a Light Control Rule based on an Area Movement Rule:

Safety is everything.