Live Tracks

Live Tracks


This section covers user interaction with tracks on the primary and secondary displays.


Selecting Tracks

To select a track the user can simply click on the track within the primary or secondary map display (PPI). The track will change colour to indicate it has been selected and the Selected Track Mini Control will be displayed on the top right of the display.

To deselect a track, the operator can use the Clear Selected Track icon on the Selected Track Mini Control or simply select the track a second time.

Live Tracks' Appearance

White: Default. Given tracks can be interacted with directly on the PPI, white tracks are available for selection. Click with a cursor to select.

Blue: Coasting - Coasting Tracks.

Pink: Selected. A selected pink track will remain on the PPI until deselected, even if the target the track represented is no longer being tracked.

Red: A track with Threat status/severity.

Orange: A track with Warning status/severity.

Green: A track with Friend status/severity.

Track Trail: A temporary 'trail' of previous sightings behind the track on the PPI.

Track Label: The numeric track ID.

Selected Track Mini Control in AdvanceGuard®

Track ID: A number assigned to each track.

Classification: Displays which type of entity is being tracked; e.g. Small Vehicle.

Speed and Direction: The speed of the track in metres per second, and the direction of the track in degrees.

Duration: The length of time that the track has been recorded.

Reset Track Severity: This will reset the track to an Unknown severity. This will then re-evaluate the track through the Rules.

Change Current Track Severity to Friend: Select this option to change the severity to Friend. This will stop the track being processed by Rules.

Change Current Track Severity to Warning: Select this option to change the severity to Warning.

Change Current Track Severity to Threat: Select this option to change the severity to Threat.

Set Tag Preset: This will allow the operator to select one of the pre-configured tags to aid identifying and analysing tracks during playback at a later date. Please navigate to Tag Presets for more information.

Locate Track: This focuses the PPI Display on the track location.

The locate option on the track panel will centre the track in the display and zoom in. The track will be kept in the centre of the display, so as it moves the map will move with it. To stop the display following the track the operator needs to simply deselect the track.

Follow / Latch Target: This will task a camera to follow the target (latching).

A short-cut for latching a target without opening the Selected Track Mini Control is to right-click the target.

Show Track Details: This will open the Track Details window.

Clear Selected Track: Select this to clear the selected track, and close the Selected Tracks panel.

Once the target has moved out of range, the Selected Track Mini Control options change:

These options are:

Locate: This focuses the PPI Display on the track location.

Clear Selected Track: Select this to clear the selected track, and close the Selected Tracks Mini Control.

Show Track History: Select this to show the track’s pathway on the PPI.

History: This will display the Track Details window.

Selected Track Mini Control in ClearWay™

Within ClearWay™ the Selected Track Mini Control options are slightly different:

Whilst the track is live the following options are available:

Locate: This focuses the PPI Display on the track location, and follows it’s journey whilst in range.

Show Track Details: This will display the Track Details window.

Clear Selected Track: Select this to clear the selected track, and close the Selected Tracks panel.

Once the target has moved out of range, the Selected Track Mini Control options change:

These options are:

Locate: This focuses the PPI Display on the track location.

Clear Selected Track: Select this to clear the selected track, and close the Selected Tracks Mini Control.

Show Track History: Select this to show the track’s pathway on the PPI.

History: This will display the Track Details window.

Track Details







Speed (m/s)

The speed of the track in metres per second, for the current sighting.

The minimum speed of the track in metres per second, thus far.

The maximum speed of the track in metres per second, thus far.

The average speed of the track in metres per second, thus far.


The surface area of the target, calculated using size in range x size in azimuth, for the current sighting.

The minimum surface area of the target, thus far.

The maximum surface area of the target, thus far.

The average surface area of the target, thus far.


The total number of cells that make up the track, for the current sighting.

The minimum track weight, thus far.

The maximum track weight, thus far.

The average track weight, thus far.


The sum of the signal strength for each cell which makes up the target, for the current sighting.

The minimum track strength, thus far.

The maximum track strength, thus far.

The average track strength, thus far.

Adjusted Weight: The total number of cells that make up the target, taking into account cell beamwidth increase over range, per sighting.

Adjusted Strength: The sum of the signal strength for each cell which makes up the target, taking into account cell beamwidth increase over range, per sighting.

Track Retention

Track Retention can be enabled in order to review tracks that trigger alarms. If a user misses a track that breaks a rule and triggers an alarm, it is retained for a temporary period of time on the PPI as a transparent track icon, and can selected and examined in this period.

To enable Track Retention:

  1. Enable the Config Function.

  2. In the System Menu, open User Details.

  3. Under Tracks, select the Track Retention box to enable, and configure the Track Retention Limit and Track Retention Time - see Tracks.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Retained tracks will now appear on the PPI:

ID: The unique identifier of the track.

Speed (m/s): The speed of the track.

Direction: The direction of the track in degrees.

Locate: Select to locate a track on the PPI display.

Remove: Click this option to remove the track from the list of Retained Tracks.

Review a Retained Track

  1. Locate the retained track on the PPI display.


  2. The Selected Track Mini Control will appear:


  3. Select the History icon, and the track pathway will appear on the PPI.


  4. Ctrl+Click on the pathway, or select the Track Details icon in the Selected Track Mini Control, to open the Track Details window.


  5. To export the retained track's data, select the icon in the Selected Track panel.

  6. Left clicking on different tracks in turn will toggle the Selected Track Mini Control to show the information for the relevant track.

Camera Latching

When a target has been selected for latching, a free camera capable of latching will follow the target.

The ability to include or exclude a camera from latching is a setting within the Camera Details, Standard Settings called Allow Latching, and is discussed here: Camera Details | Standard Settings

The FOV outline (in pink) will appear when the camera is active and disappear when the camera is inactive.

In the example below, the selected track 2159 (in pink) had been latched to the camera, however, the operator latched a camera to track 2-1197 (in red), by right-clicking the track.

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